Radnage Parish Registers - Baptisms 1574-1812

This data has been transcribed from personal photos of a typed transcription of the Parish Register, which has obviously been compared (in great detail) with the Bishop's Transcripts, viewable at Radnage Parish Church. The transcription is subject to human error. Feel free to contact us for any corrections.

Pretty divider
Radnage Parish Registers - Baptisms 1574-1812
1574Oct 9JoanedBonaventer Bray   
 Feb 20JanedThomas Bokemaster   
 Mch 13EdyedGyles Rigge   
1575Mch 28HenriesRichard Mayne   
1576Mch 26NicholassChristopfer Apleby  (transcript 25th)
 Mch 31SaradThomas Roose   
 Aug 13RaphesHenrie Clement   
 Nov 28WilliamsHughe Childe   
 Feb 26SesselydThomas Este   
 Feb 29HughesJohn Hunt   
 Mch 24SybbelldChr. Wheler  (Only the first 3 baptisms are in the 1576 Transcript)
1577Jun 24JoandThomas Bokemaster   
 Aug 5SesselydJhon Barat   
 Jan 28JudethdThomas Hunt   
 Mch 23ElyzebethedThomas Rose   
1578Dec 3JhonsAmbros Bigge   
 Dec 10ffrancissW. Nicols   
 Aug 25/26NicholassNicholas Banks   
1579Feb 8ElyzebethedJhon Newell   
 Mch 31RichardsBon. Braye   
1580May 8MargaretdJohn Barat   
 May 20JanedThomas Hunt   
 Oct 2ElnordThomas Este   
 Mch 12AmbrossAmb.  Bigge   
 Mch 19ThomassDavie Pissie   
1581Aug 20WilliamsChr. Wheler   
 Oct 15ThomassThomas Roose   
1582Jun 9ChristopfersThomas Bokemaster   
 Jun 28DorathedThomas Hunt   
 Jul 8RobertsWm. Nicols   
 Jan 1EllendRichard Wheler   
 Feb 24PhillisdChr. Wheler   
1583Mch 26MariedDavie Pissie   
 Apr 2RachelldHenrie Curtis   
 Aug 18MargeriedThomas Hunt   
 Sep 21Thomass MargerieCyrcot   
 Oct 19AnnedWm. Hester   
 Jan 5SusandJhon Newell   
1584Jun 24ChristopfersChr. Raunce Junior   
 Feb 6RichardsThomas Bokemaster   
1585Jun 29RichardsRichard Wheler   
 Jul 3NicholassChr. Wheler   
 Sep 27WilliamsW: Hester   
 Dec 3WilliamsD: Pissie   
 Feb 6ElyzebethdT: Hunt   
 Feb 24SusandJhon Barat   
1586Oct 28RobertsChr. Wheler   
 Nov 20ffrancissChr. Raunce   
 Mch 23MargeriedJhon Newell   
 Mch 23Jeffereysfrances White   
1587Nov 12WilliamsAmbros Bigge   
 Nov 19JoandWilliam Hester   
1588Feb 16ThomassRic. Wheler   
 Mch 20WilliamsJhon Barat   
 Mch 20ThomassJhon Barat   
1589Apr 13Mabelld(blank) Townsend   
 Jun 1NicholassAmbros Bigge   
 Jun 28AgnesdJhon Hodsen   
 Aug 3EllnordThomas Hunt   
 Oct 26ThomassChr. Wheler   
 Mch 22ElyzebethdChr. Raunce   
1590May 14AlicedJhon Hancocke   
 Dec 27ThomassChr. Newell  (Only this one Baptism in the 1590 Transcript where father is recorded as Christopfer Newell Junior)
1591(no baptisms in the 1591 Transcript)        
 Oct 25JhonsWilliam Hester   
 Nov 22AnnedChr. Wheler   
1592Apr 2ThomassThomas Bigge   
 Apr 9AnnedRobert Este   
 Apr 30RichardsThomas (W?)ors   
 May 29ThomassW. Trippelet   
 May 29AlicedW. Trippelet   
 Aug 20JhonsThomas Hunt senior   
 Feb 18AnnedChr. Raunce   
1593Mch 26SylvanussThomas Pewtres  (see footnote) see photo
 Jul 28JoandJhon Wheler   
 Aug 5JulyandRobert Este   
 Dec 6ElyzebethdW: Hester   
 Feb 17SusandJhon Forde   
1594Aug 25 RobertsRichard Bigge   
 Oct 13ChristopfersRic. Wheler   
 Dec 1ChristopfersRobert Este   
1595Apr 13JanedThomas Pewtres   
 Sep 20ffrancissHenrie Wetherhed   
 Feb 8HenriesRichard Bigge   
 Mch 7SesselydGeorge Hoore   
1596May 9HenriesWilliam Ward   
 Jun 27Parnilld CatherinMedam  ("Medam" is written above "servant to Thomas Bigge" which is deleted)
 Sep 12ChristopforsJhon Wheler   
 Jan 25ElnordWilliam Hester   
1597Sep 3SusandHenrie Bigge   
 May 15JanedRobert Este   
 Nov 3ThomassThomas Hunt Junior   
 Mch 5ElyzebethdHenrie Wetherhed   
1598Sep 3SusandRichard Bigge   
 Oct 15WilliamsJhon Wheler   
 Mch 4ElnordJhon Hodman   
 Mch 18WilliamsRichard Wheler   
1599Jun 3JhonsHenrie Wetherhed   
 Dec 23JahanedHughe Hunt   
 Mch 16ElyzebethdJhon Foorde   
1600Oct 19RichardsRichard Bigge   
 Jan 11AmbrossThomas Hunt Junior   
 Jan 23DorathedJhon Bigge   
 ..y 13UrsuladThomas    see Photo for extra notes
1601Apr 26JohnsJohn Wheeler   
 Sep 13ThomassJohn Eest   
 Aug 2AnnedJohn Bookmaster   
 Dec 20JohnsAndrew North   
 Dec 20JohnsJohn Bigge   
 Dec 20RachelldHugh Hunt   
1602Apr 18MargerydRobert Eest   
 May 1MargerydThomas Pewtres   
 Jun 11JoanedHugh Summerforde   
 Jun 20JohnsWilliam Haly   
 Sep 7JohnsJohn Hodman   
 Nov 28JanedHugh Curtis   
1603Mch 27JanedJohn Bookmaster   
 Jul 3ChristophersAmbrose Rawnce   
 Jul 31EdwardsThomas Deane   
 Aug 14ElinordJohn fforde   
 Jan 1JamessJames Curtis   
 Mch 4ElinordHugh Hunt   
 Oct 9HenrysJohn Bigge  (This baptism is not in the 1603 Transcript)
1604Jun 17ChristophersRichard Bigge   
 Jun 24MarydThomas Hunt  (25th in Transcript)
 Jul 28ThomassThomas Deane   
 Sep 2SusandJohn Bigge   
 Sep 9JohnsPeter Seamor   
 Sep 9MargaretdAmbrose Raunce   
 Feb 10ThomassRobert Eest   
 Mch 24AbigalldJames Curtis   
1605Apr 28AlicedThomas Venn   
 Sep 12JohnsJohn Keene   
 Nov 10ChristophersJohn Bookmaster   
 Mch 2JeremysRobt. ffincher  ("Clarke" added in the Transcript)
 Mch 16JohnsHugh Hunt   
1606Oct 1 RosedPeter Seamor   
 Mch 22AnnedWilliam Stacy   
1607Apr 19JohndRichard Bigge   
 Apr 26MargaretdThomas Deane   
 Jul 5HughesJohn Wheeler   
 Oct 11CatherinedLawrence Oxlade  ("Oxlarde" in the Transcript)
 Nov 15RosedAmbrose Giles   
 Dec 26EdwardsRobt. Eest   
 Jan 10MarydJames Curtis   
 Jan 12JohnsEdward Cary Bledlow ridge(This baptism is not in the Transcript)
 Jan 24AgnesdWilliam Cheeseman   
 Feb 28MarydHugh Hunt   
 Mch 6AmbrosesJohn Bigge  ("Bigges" in Transcript which has the date as 5th Mch)
1608Mch 27MargerydJohn Bookmaster   
 Jul 17JohnsThomas Hunt   
 Sep 18RobertsRobt. ffincher   
 Sep 26RachelldThomas Deane   
1609Apr 15AmbrosesRichard Bigge   
 Aug 13ElizabethdWilliam Stacy   
 Sep 21RebeccadThomas ffenn   
 Sep 24ffrancissPeter Seamer   
 no dateRowlandsRowland Juxon  (Transcript adds "Rectorei de Radnage" & records the date: 24 Dec)
 no dateHenrysWilliam Cheeseman  (The Transcript records the father as: John Cheesman & the date: 25 Feb)
 no dateAaronsIsaac Rolphs  (Not in Transcript)
 no dateAnnedJohn Bigge  (Not in the 1609 but in the 1610 Transcript with date: 8 Aug)
 Jan 4WilliamsWilliam Rolphs  (The 1609 Transcript also records this baptism)
1610Dec 12RichardsRowland Juxon  (Transcript: 5th Dec)
 Mch 8AnnedJohn Bigge  (The 1610 Transcript also records this baptism) deleted
 Mch 4RichardesHugh Hunt  (The 1610 Transcript also records this baptism) deleted
1611May 12AnnadThomas Deane   
 May 26AnnedLawrence oxlad   
 Jul 7AnnedRichard Bigge   
 Oct 27NehemiahsJames Curtis   
 Oct 27JanedChristopher White  (2nd figure of date not available in register as corner torn off, but transcript records date as 27 Oct.)
 Nov 5MarthadRowland Juxon  (Corner of register page torn off, but Transcript records "Martha")
 Nov 17JohnsJohn Bookmaster   
 Nov 24WilliamsEdward Newman   
 Nov 24JohnsRobt. Eest  (Transcript 25th)
 Jan 6ThomassWilliam Powell   
 Mch 1MarthadIsaac Rolphe   
 Mch 15RichardsRalphe Raynolde   
1612May 12SylvanussPeter Seamer   
 May 19WilliamsJohn Bigge   
 Nov 22JohnsThomas Deane   
 Nov 26EdwardsEdward Marsh  (Transcript: 29th)
 Jan 17Dorathed Margeryffenne  (Transcript 15th)
 Feb 18ElinordWilliam Jones  (Transcript 15th., & records the surname as "James")
 (The 1612 Transcript records all 6 baptisms but the portion containing the Month of each is torn off)        
1613Jun 24HughsHugh Hunt   
 Dec 26ChristophersThomas Wheeler   
1614Aug 14JohnsJohn Meade   
 Jan 8ElinordIsaac Rolphe   
 Jan 8AnnedIsaac Rolphe   
 Jan 29ThomassRichard Bigge   
 Mch 12Susand MabellTownsend   
1615Mch 28ThomassChristopher White   
 Apr 11CatharinedThomas Deane   
 Apr 16AvicedThomas Wheeler   
 May 21RebeccadRobt. Eest   
 Aug 27JanedJohn Hunt   
 Aug 27AnnedWilliam Wheeler   
 Sep 17ElizabethdWilliam Bennell   
 Sep 17MargerydJohn Bigge   
 Sep 24ElizabethdSilvanus Pewtres   
 Oct 31JohnsJohn Meade   
 Dec 26AndrewesHughe Hunte   
 Jan 21ThomassEdward Marsh   
1616Jun 24XpofersNathaniell Beden   
 Oct 14ThomassJohn Meade  (Not in Transcript)
 Nov 16ElinordSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Mch 2ThomassJohn Hunte   
 Mch 2RobertsWilliam Wheeler   
1617Aug 24ThomassJohn Deane   
 Nov 13LeonardesThomas Deane   
 Nov 16CatharinedSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Feb 22AnnedThomas Wheeler   
 Mch 2Tho.   Hunt  (Along the right hand side of register page is written. "Tho. Hunt 2 March 1617)
1618Apr 12JoanedWilliam Bennell   
 Jun 14MargerydJohn Hunte   
 Aug 30MargaretdHughe Hunte   
 Sep 20ElizabethdRobert Easte   
 Oct 4GeorgesJohn Meade   
 Nov 19MargerydWilliam Whiller   
 Dec 13IsabelldEdward Carey   
 Jan 6ThomassSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Feb 2JohnsNathaniell Smith   
 Mch 7WilliamsRichard Smart Bledlowridge 
1619May 2ChristophersNicholas Moody Bledlowe(This baptism is not in the 1619 Transcript)
 May 30ChristophersJohn Bigge/s   
 Jun 6JohnsChristopher Whiller   
 Jul 11ChristophersRichard Witney   
 Nov 21JohnsJohn Hunte   
 Feb 20MarydSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Feb 20Elnordffransis Shrimpton  (Not in Transcript)
1620Nov 19CatharinedJohn Burgis   
 Dec 3ThomassXpofer Wheeler   
 Dec 3RichardsRichard Keene  (Corner torn off in the register but Transcript records:Richard)
 Jan 7JanedJohn Meade   
 Jan 14ThomassThomas Wheeler   
 Mch 4ElizabethdJohn Biggs   
 Mch 11WilliamsJeffery Bennell   
1621Apr 18StephensJohn Hunte   
 Apr 22JoanedSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Jun 3WilliamsWilliam Wheeler   
 Oct 21SusannadWilliam Newell   
 Oct 28JoanedRobert Easte   
 Dec 2AlicedThomas Deane   
 Feb 3JohnsJohn Todde   
 Feb 3RichardsRichard Keene   
 Mch 3AlicedWilliam Bennell   
1622May 9JessesSylvanus Pewt.  (Pewtrace in Transcript)
 Sep 15Susan sThomas Briant   
 Oct 13WilliamsXpofer Wheeler   
 Nov 10JoanedJohn Burges   
 Dec 8ThomassHenry Hawkes   
 Dec 8JohnsJohn Bigges   
 Dec 8AlicedNathaniell Smith   
 Feb 9WilliamsJohn Hunte   
1623Mch 30RobertsJeffery Bennell   
 Jul 27ffrancisdWilliam Bennell  (not in Transcript)
 Aug 17JanedWilliam Newell   
 Oct 26JamessJohn Lee   
 Nov 23StephensThomas Wheeler   
 Jan 4JanedRichard Brasier   
 Feb 8WilliamsRichard Keene   
 Mch 7RobertsRalphe Rawnce  (there are two transcripts for 1623. both are alike)
1624Sep 19SaradWilliam Shirle  (Shirt in Transcript)
 Sep 26SilvanussXpofer Wheeler   
 Feb 7CatherinedJohn Hunt    
 Feb 13RebeccadHenry Hauks   
1625Jul 27ChristophersWilliam Newell  ("William the" deleted)
 Feb 2JohnsSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Sep 29MargerydThomas Bryant  (1625 Transcript had this entry)
 Dec 10WilliamsHenry East    
1626Jul 16MaximiliansThomas Pewtrace   
 Apr 23Elis(z)abethdRalphe Clements   
 Oct 22SusandRichard Brasier   
 Oct 29JohnsRichard Keene   
 Sep 24Joned MathaBeydon  (In the Transcript the surname is recorded as "Smyth" & the entry follows 23 Apr 1626)
 Jan 7JonassMicheal Hoare   
 Mch 10HenrysVincent Eustace   
1627Apr 9Anne dSylvanus Pewtrace   
 Jul 1JoanedJohn Hunte   
 Jul 15ElizabethdDavid Anthony   
 Sep 2ThomassWilliam Sherte   
 Aug 10Anne dHenry Hauke  (10th Sep in Transcript)
 Mch 9Anne dThomas Bryant   
1628Oct 10HenrysHenry East   
 Nov 16Anne dRobert Fellowe   
 Mch 1EdwardsRichard Brasier   
 Mch 1ChristiandRichard Keene   
 Mch 30MarydRichard  Brigg   
1629Apr 6Anne dThomas Fellowe   
 May 16RalphsRalph Rance   
 May 17MarydDavid Anthony   
 May 25MarydJohn Hunte   
 Oct 13ChristophersThomas Newell   
 Oct 31JohnsThomas Wheeler   
 Jan 15MarydEdward Dossed  (Dosset in Transcript)
 Jan 24EmmedRichard Brasier   
 Feb 6MarydHenry Hauke   
 Feb 28SusandThomas Herne   
1630Jun 27MarydWilliam Newell   
 Sep 5WilliamsWilliam Sherte  (William written above "Thomas" deleted)
 Oct 31MarydRobert Fellow   
1631Apr 3SusandRichard Bigg  (recorded twice in register)
 Apr 24JosephsJohn Hunte   
 Jun 26SusannadRichard Keene  (not in Transcript)
 Oct 2AlicedThomas Fellow    
 Oct 2FaithdDavid Anthony   
 Oct 29ElizabethdEdward Dosset   
 Nov 13ThomassRobert Sanders   
 Nov 13ElizabethdRobert Fellow   
 Dec 12LeonardsLeonard Thorne  (21 Dec in Transcript)
 Jan 26FaithdWilliam Cocks   
 Feb 19Anne dAndrew Kytely  (William Deleted) father
 Mch 4Anne dHenry East   
 Mch 16JamessRalphe Clement  (not in Transcript)
1632Dec 15DorothydWalter Bilmer  (& Jane his Wife in Trpt.)
 Mch 31SammuelsSammuel Randol  (& Elizabeth his wife in Trpt)(Sammuel whose date of baptism is given as 21 March in Trpt)
1633Jun 6EdwardsEdward Dosset   
 Nov 9EllenordDavid Anthony   
 Nov 20RobertsHjohn Hunt  (Not in Transcript)
 Dec 19Anne dRichard Bigg   
 Feb 9RichardsWilliam Cocks   
1634????    John Simons (This name is recorded on the left hand side of the year 1634 heading the baptisms)
 Apr 13RobertsThomasAnneFellows   
 Apr 17JanedWalterJaneBilmer   
 Jul 17ThomassRichardJoneKeene   
 Aug 4ElizabethdJamesRebeccahBuckland   
 Sep 2KatherinedLeonardElizabethThorne  (the Transcript records "& Elizabeth his wife")
 Oct 12MarydRalpheAnne Hore   
1635Jun 21Ann dDaniellMargarettChapman   
 Jul 4WilliamsJohnPhillisNewell   
 Jul 26Anne dEdwardAnneDossett   
 Aug 2ChristiandWalterJaneBilmer   
 Sep 20MargerydHenryMargeryEast   
 Nov 29RichardsRichardFrancisNewell   
 Dec 13FrancisdDavidFaithAnthony   
 Feb 1JanedJohnJoaneHunte   
 Feb 8HenrysHenryUrsulaHauks   
 ?LangleydAdam Langley  Without date details. The daughters christian name is now illegible as a portion of the page is missing there through age, wear & tear)
1636There are two Transcripts for the year 1636 both identical in details        
 Sep 24WaltersWalterJaneBilmer   
 Oct 9ffrancissffrancisJoneStevens  (not in Transcript)
 Dec 4MarydWillaimMaryffurlowe  (9 Oct in Transcripts)
 Dec 21AmbrosesThomasAnneffellowe   
 Jan 8HenrysDaniellMargarettChapman   
 Jan 22ThomassJamesRebeccahBuckland   
 Jan 28RichardsRichardAliceBrooks   
 Mch 12RalphesRalpheAnnHore   
1637There are two Transcripts for the year 1636 both identical in details        
 Apr 10RichardsDavidFaithAnthony   
 May 1JohnsEdwardAnnDossett   
 Sep 12JohnsSammuelElizabethRandall   
 Nov 4ElizabethdRichardFrancisNewell   
 Dec 28JohnsWalterJaneBilmer   
 not availNicolassNicolasElizabethWeston  see photo
1638Apr 1MarydJohnJoneHunt   
 Apr 8Matthewd(sic)RichardMaryBiggs  see photo
 Apr 15JohnsJohnAnneNewell   
 May 12ElizabethdJohnAliceBouckmaster   
 Jul 17AmbrosesThomasJeainyNewell   
 Oct 13ThomassThomasSusann BeyanteWhite   
 Oct 13ElizabethdThomasElizabethHunte   
 Dec 12ElizabethdJamesMarthaCurtice   
 Dec 25RobertsRobteRebeccaSaunders   
 Dec 25AnnedWillmMaryWheeler   
 Mch 3RowlandsWillmAnneCoxe   
 Mch 17JoanedEdwardAnneDorsett   
1639Jun 24AnnedJamesRebeccaBuckland  (recorded along left hand side of the register page)
 Oct 13ThomassJohnJoneHunt   
 Oct 13BenedictsWalterJaneBil(i/l)more   
 May 18Elizabethd DannyellChapman   
 Dec 31Anned HughHunt   
? 3JohnsRichard Newell  (register page with month mutilated, but Transcript record 3 Feb)
  ? 3ElizabethdRichard Newell  (register page with month mutilated, but Transcript record 3 Feb)
 Mch 10Elizabethd RalphHore   
 Mch 17Thomass HenryEste   
 Mch 17MarydWilliam Wheller   
1640May 23JanedRichardJaneAllnutt   
1641Jan 16ElizabethdWalter Billmor   
 Jan 29PhillisdHugh Hunt   
 Feb 13JoellsRichard Newell   
 Apr 6AdreyedJamesMarthaCurtise  (recorded with two other Curtise baptisms 1643 & 1646 on another page)
 Apr 15JanedJohn Cornish   
 Apr 16MarydEdward Davis   
1642Mch 21ElizabethdJhonPhillisNuell   
 Apr 16MargerydRichardJaneAllnutt   
 Oct 16ElizabethdJohn Hunt Junr  (recorded on the left hand side of register page)
1643Jun 20JamessJamesMarthaCurtise  (recorded with two other Curtise baptisms 1641 & 1646 on another page)
BirthMar 28ThomassRobert Allin  (this is recorded with six other Allin births1646 to 1658? On another register page. Under date 12 Oct 16_5 will be observed the buriel of " Robert Allen p'ish clerk)
 Apr 6ThomassHugh Hunt   
 Mch 17RichardsRichardJaneAllnutt   
 Oct 24SaraghdJohn Hunt Junr   
1645        No baptisms recorded in register (no Transcript available)
1646 Sisillie ?d     (written at top of next page)
 Apr 11JohnsHugh Hunt   
 Jan 9RacheldJohn Hunt Junr   
 Jan 14CecelliadRichard Allnutt   
  ?ThomassEdward East  (repeated next entry but one)
 Nov 21JohnsJohn Newell   
 Jan 28ThomassEdward East   
BirthJun 29EdwardsEdwardMaryDavis  (recorded on left side of page)
 May 5Susan (?)dJamesMarthaCurtise  (recorded with two other Curtise baptisms 1641 & 1643 on another page)
BirthJun 24RobertsRobert (surname omitted)  (see remarks under 1644)
BirthNov 6NathanellsJohnMariSmith  (N.B. The three Smiths births 1647, 1648, 1651 follow one another in the register)
 Nov 1JoseffesRobert Allynn   
BirthFeb 14JohnsJohnMari   (N.B. The three Smiths births 1647, 1648, 1651 follow one another in the register)
 Aug 1RichardsHugh Hunt   
1649Jan 5JudeydRichardJaneAllnut    
BirthNov 2WilliamsEdwardMaryDavis   
BirthMar 5SarradRobert Allin  (see remarks under 1644)
 Oct 18EdwardsHughAnnHuntt   
BirthMay 14MarydRobert Allin  (see remarks under 1644)
BirthDec 20ffallentiensJohnMariSmith  (N.B. The three Smiths births 1647, 1648, 1651 follow one another in the register)
1652Oct 16JohnsJohnJoaneHunt   
 Nov 17MarydJamesRebeccaBuckland   
 Nov 17ffrancis the Pim(?)s(blank)(blank)(Pimm?) Beldloe ridge 
 Nov 18NicolassNicolasElizabethWeston  see photo
1653        (page mutilated)
BirthDec 17AndreusHugh Hunt   
BirthJan 14DanielspferElisabethSmith   
1654        (page mutilated)
BirthApr 9EdwardsEdwardMargerrieBarlow  (recorded twice in register on opposite pages, one entry being mutilated)
BirthJul 20(?John)sEdwardMariDavis   
BirthSep 7(?Mari)dJamesMartha(?Curtise)   
BirthJan 3ElisabethdWilliamElisabethBra_cat   
BirthDec (2/3)1ThomassJohnPhillisNeuel   
BirthFeb 3JonathansRichardAliceffello   
1655        (page mutilated)
BirthApr 9IsacksRobardSeslyAllen  (Recored but without mothers Christian Name) among the Allin births 1644-1659 mentioned in the remarks under 1644)
BirthJun 9(Edw)ardsNicolasElisabethWeston   
BirthJul 5?MosessCristopherElisabethSmith   
BirthAug 14ffrancesdThomasElisabethWheler   
BirthJan ?JeaspersHughAnHunt   
BirthMch ?ffrancesdJohnAnEast   
1656        (page mutilated)
BirthJun 1?ThomassThomasSaraWats   
BirthNo date(?Edward)s(?Samuel)ElisabethRandoll   
BirthSep ?Marg(eri)d ?WilliamElisabethBradcat  (see Photo)
BirthJan 26Ar(on?)s AnEast  (This entry is deleted)
BirthJan 26AronsJohnAnnCollins  (does not say "born")
birthApr 17AransCristopherElizabethSmith  See photo for maybe more info.
 Jul 18JosephsRobertCislyAllen  See photo for maybe more info.
 Dec 28(? Sarah)dJohnAnneast   
 Jan 7Ann dJohnAnnHawkes   
 Mch 17JohnsNicolasElizabeth(? Weston)   
1658Mch 24SibildRalfeSibilIves   
 Mch 25CharitydThomasElizabethWheeler  (borne '57 Decemb: 30. written agaist this entry)
1659Jun 4ElizdChristopherEliz Beaden   
birthMay 27ElizabethdRobert Alline  (see remarks under 1644; see also 1660)
 Oct 23ElizdNicolasEliWeston   
1660Jul 21ElizdRobertCislyAllen  bapt.
 Sep 10ElizdRafeSibilIves   
 no dateJohnsSamuelElizRandol  bapt.(No year or date)
1661Oct 3JohnsJohnAnnHawks   
1662Apr 23RichardsRichardCatherineRance   
 Jul 9MarydThomasEliWheeler   
 Sep 3JamessChristopherElizabethBelden   
 Sep 21Eliza dJohnEliza Dorset   
 Oct 8ThomassTho SarahWats  being about 6 or 7 years of age when he was baptised (see 165_ for birth) see photo for more info
 Oct 8JohnsTho SarahWats  then also Baptised being about 3 years of age. see photo for more info
 Oct 8RafesTho Sarah (Eliza deleted)Wats  Then also Baptised being about 2 years old. see photo for more info
 Jan 29WilliamsNicolasElizaWeston   
 Feb 5MarydffrancisMaryStevens   
1663May 8IsraellsThoSarahWats  bapt. By Phillip Humfry
 Jul 15JohnsJohnMaryWelled   
 Sep 6ThomassJohnAnneHawks   
 Sep 12MarydChristopherRebeccahWeston   
1664Nov 20EdwardsJohnElizabethDosset   
1665May 14SamuelsSamuelffrancesSlatter   
 Jun 8SaradThomasSaraWats   
 Aug 24SaradffrancisMaryStevens   
 Aug 31WilliamsJohnMaryWelled   
 Sep 7WilliamsNicolasElizabethWeson   
 Dec 31ffrancissSa_ewellElizabethRandall   
1666Feb 18MarydJoh AnHakes   
 Apr 12Anne SeelsdThomasAnneSals  bapt.
 Jun 7ffranissffrancisffrisesSelmor   
 Jul 15Ed.sEdMaryLankester   
 Jul 25ElizdRobertElizabeth    
 Dec 31LukesJohnMaryWelled   
1667Jan 12ffrancessTho.SarahWatts   
 Feb 16ThosThoMaryAllen   
1668May 3ElizabethdSamewellffrancisSlatter   
 May 10MarydJohnMaryWelled   
 May 7DaniellsHenryJane Chapman   
 Jul 6EdwardsRalaphElizabethStone   
 Jul 26ElizabethdEdmondElizabethSmith   
 Jan 31EdwardsEdwElizabethBrooks   
1669Jul 18MarydWillm.MaryHunt   
 Feb ?8JedmondsNicklisElizbethWeston   
 Feb 14RobertsRalfElizabethStone   
1670May 23HenerysHeneryJaneChapman   
1671Dec 24ThomassJohnElizabethWelhead   
1672Jan 1RalphsRalphElizabethStone   
 Jun 1SaradHenryJaneChapman   
1673May 3AnndNicolasElizabethWesson   
 Jun 1SaradRalphCristianIves   
 Jun 15MarydSamuellffrancisSlater   
 Aug 31RichardsRichardSusanEast   
 Sep 14HenrysJohnAnnHacks   
1674Jan 15JohnsRalphElizabethStone  (also in 1674 Transcript)
 Jun 26MarydHenryJaneChapman   
 Oct 25JohnsJohnElizabethCottrell   
 Dec 16JohndAmbroseRachellNewell   
 Jan 20JohnsRalphElizabethHoare   
 Feb 18EdwardsEdwardElizabethSmith   
 Mch 15ElizabethdSamuellElizabethRandall   
 Mch 23JohnsNathaniellAnneSmith   
1675Aug 29DaniellsDaniellHannahWingrove   
 Dec 12JohnsJohnjaneBowler  (not in Transcript)
 Feb 6SamuelsJohnMaryWelhead   
 Feb 27ThomassRichardSusannaEast   
1676Jun 4EdwardsEdwardElizabethSmith   
 Jun 18EdwardsThomasMaryAllen  (not in Transcript)
 Oct 23ElizabethdJohnElizabethCottrell   
 Nov 13NathanielsNathaniellAnneSmith   
1677Apr 18SusannadRichardSusannaEast   
 May 12MarydAmbroseRachelNewell   
 Jun 24JohnsDaniellHannahWingrove   
 Jan 27WilliamsEdwardEliz.Smith   
 Feb 10MarydJohnEliz.Price Bledlow 
1678May 19HenrysJohnJaneBowler   
 Jul 21ThomassJohnPhilippaEast Bledlow ridge 
 Sep 22IsaacsIsaacCatherinAllen   
 Dec 9AvisdJohnElisabethCotterell   
 Feb 10ValentinesNathanielAnnSmith   
1679Apr 5SarahdThomasMaryAllen   
 Apr 12CatherinedThomasSarahBurges   (not in Transcript)
 Dec 21CatherinedIsaacCatherineAllen  (not in Transcript)
 Dec 26ElizabethdRalphElizabethStone  (not in Transcript)
1680Mch 27HannadDanielHannaWingrove   
 Jan 15AnndNathanielAnnSmith   
 Nov 21EdwardsEdwardHesterBarlow   
 Nov 28MarydEdwardElizabethSmyth   
1681Jun 13MarydJohnMarySmith   
 Oct 30AmmdRalphElizabethStone   
 Jan 7JosephsThomasMaryAllen   
1682May 6ElizabethdThomasSarahBurgess   
 Sep 10IsaacsIsaacCatherineAllen   
 Oct 8AnndJohnElizabethCotterell   
 Nov 13MarydNathanielAnnSmyth   
 Dec 18SamuelsSamuelMaryRandall   
1683May 5ElizabethdDanielHannahWingrove   
 Jun 16RobertsThomasMaryAllen   
1684Mch 31ElizabethdJohn junMarySmith   
 Mch 31RebeccadJohn junMarySmith   
 Jun 10JohnsMr JohnElizabethWooddeson   
 Jan 12AaronsJamesElizabethDosset   
 Mch 1 JacobsIsaacCatherineAllen   
 Mch 16SusannadJohnElizabethDosset   
1685Nov 26MargaretdMr JohnElizabethWooddeson   
 Feb 2 WilliamsAndrewJoaneButler Stokenchurchin countie of Oxford
 Feb 6MarydDanielHannahWingrove   
 Mch 13ffrancissJohnElizabethDosset   
1686Apr 21ThomassJohnElizabethCottrel    
 Apr 25EstherdEdwardEstherBarlow   
 Apr 28JohnsJohnMarySmith als. Beaden   
 Jul 4SarahdRalphElizabethStone   
 Aug 15ThomassThomasHannahClark   
 Sep 25JamessJamesElizabethSmith als. Beaden   
 Dec 19HannahdJasperHannahHunt   
1687May 16MarydLukeAnnWelhead   
 May 18SarahdMosesMaryBeaden als. Smith   
 May 23CatharinedThomasCatharineHawks   
 Aug 14JohnsIsaacCatharineAllen   
 Oct 3 MarydThomasMaryQuaint   
 Nov 7SusannadMr JohnElizabethWooddeson   
 Nov 26RichardsJohnElizabethDosset   
 Jan 15WilliamsRalphElizabethStone   
 Mch 11ElizabethdJohnMaryRandal   
 Mch 18JohnsThomasHannahClarkr   
1688Mch 25MarydThomasMaryNewel    
 Apr 29JaspersJasperHannahHunt   
 Jul 29HesterdJohn MarySmith als Beaden   
 Sep 22ElizabethdJohnMaryRandal Bledlow ridge 
 Dec 1JanedThomasKatherineHawks   
 Feb 4WilliamsJohnElizabethCotrel   
1689May 6SamuelsJohnMaryRandall   
 Jun 26ElizabethdMosesMarySmith als Beaden   
 Oct 20ElizabethdThomasMaryQuaint   
 Dec 5GracedThomasAbigailHorton   
 Jan 25JohnsThomasHannahClark   
 Mch 8SusannadJohnElizabethDosset   
 Mch 9ElizabethdJasperHannahHunt   
 Mch 22LukesLukeAnnWelhead   
1690Sep 8SarahdDanielHannahWingrove   
 Oct 25JoshuasJoshuaElizabethSmith Stockenchurch 
1691Apr 22ElizabethdThomasCatharineHawkes   
 Sep 13ElizabethdJasperHannahHunt   
 Sep 28JosephsJohnMarySmith als Beaden   
1692Apr 8MarydJohnElizabethDosset   
 Jul 13ElizabethdJamesElizabethSmith als Beaden   
 Sep 19HannahdThomasMaryNewel   
 Oct 16MarydMosesMarySmith als Beaden   
1693Apr 2JoycedJamesJoyceffield  waygoer
 Aug 18Ann dThomasAbigailHorton   
 Oct 14RobertsRobertJaneCar_y Bledlow ridge, Bucks 
 Nov 7Maryd SarahWallis  Bastered Dau.
 Dec 20ElizabethdPhillipElizabethHillier   
1694Mch 25JanedThomasMaryQuaint   
 Apr 19MarydRalphMarySymms   
 Oct 6AnnedJasperHannahHunt   
 Dec 15James sJohnElizabethDosset   
1695May 17WilliamsWilliamMaryClarke   
 Sep 7SarahdHenrySarahWhite   
 Jan 5JohnsThomasMaryQuaint   
1696May 16RalphsRalphMarySymms   
 Jul 12SarahdJamesElizabethSmith als Beaden   
 Jul 26MarydWilliamMaryClarke   
 Nov 14ElizabethdThomasMaryNewel   
 Jan 21ElizabethdHenrySarahWhite   
 Mch 24AndrewsJasperElizabethHunt   
1697Jul 11StephensThomasMaryQuaint   
1698Nov 27Ann dJamesElizabethSmith als Beaden   
 Dec 26ThomassRalphNarySymms   
 Jan 28HannahdDanielHannahChapman   
 Feb 5MarthadThomasMaryNewel   
 Feb 25AnndHenrySarahWhite   
 Mch 12EdwardsJasperElizabethHunt   
1699Nov 5ThomassThomasSarahBurges   
 Nov 12ThomassWilliamMaryClarke   
 Jan 2HenrysDanielHannahChapman   
 Mch 20ThomassJeofferySarahVarny   
1700 No baptism recorded in register and no transcript available       
1701Apr 27John sThomasElizabethBurges   
 Aug 3MarydJasperElizabethHunt   
 Aug 31AnnedRalphMarySymms   
 Sep 14MarydDanielHannahChapman   
 Nov 2SarahdJeofferySarahVarny   
1702May 30HenrysHenrySarahWhite   
 Jan 23RichardsJasperElizabethHunt   
 Feb 25WilliamsThomasElizabethBurges   
1703Apr 1 JohnsJohnJoanHore   
 Apr 7DanielsDanielHannahChapman   
 Apr 16(8)TimothysWilliamMaryClark    
 Feb 25PhillisdJasperElizabethHunt   
1704Apr 8WilliamsWilliamMaryClarke   
 Apr 29HannahdJamesElizabethPhelps   
 Apr 29ElizabethdJamesElizabethPhelps   
 May 27SarahdRalphMarySymms   
 Nov 11EdwardsEdwardElizabethBarlow   
 Nov 12ThomassDanielHannahChapman   
 Dec 4WilliamsHenrySarahWhite   
 Mch 17MarydWilliamSarahWelhead   
1705May 19ffrancesdJasperElizabethHunt   
 Jun 14ffrancesdThomasMaryChoun   
 Sep 1AnnedThomas Burges junrMary NashBurgisBlacksmith and Mary a widdow (In the Transcript this Bapt. Is recorded as: "Anne dau. Of Tho. & Mary Burgis)
 Dec 16MarthadDanielHannahChapman   
 Feb 24EdwardsThomas junrMaryBurges   
1706Apr 7ElizabethdRobertDorothyMorrice Bledlow ridge 
 Jun 5MargaretdJamesElizabethPhelps   
 Jul 13ElizabethdEdwardElizabethBarlow   
 Oct 16ThomassWilliamSarahWelhead   
 Dec 16JohnsJasperElizabethHunt   
1707Apr 19MarydJacobMaryffryer   
 Jun 24JamessWilliamMaryClarke   
 Sep 6RobertsThomasMaryBurges   
 Nov 12ThomassThomasMaryChoun  ("Chowne" in Transcript)
 Nov 19ElizabethdRalphMarySymms   
 Feb 21DinahdJasperElizabethHunt   
 Feb 21ElizabethdThomasSarahWhite   
1708May 7HenrysJamesElizabethPhelps   
 Mch 12HesterdJasperElizabethHunt   
1709May 22WilliamsDaniel HannahChapman  Twinns
 May 22JohnsDaniel HannahChapman  Twinns ("Martha the daughter" deleted)
 Jun 27GeorgesJohnAliceBennel Bledlow 
 Aug 3ThomassEdwardElizabethBarlow   
 Sep 18SarahdWilliamSarahWelhead   
1710Jun 17CatherinedJohn AnneWade   
1711Mch 27SarahdDanielHannahChapman   
 Apr 2JeofferysJeofferySarahVarny   
 May 21RichardsRichardMaryBarnett  (This Bapt. Is recorded among the 1712 baptisms in the register, but does not appear in the Transcripts)
 Sep 8MarydThomasSarahWhite   
 Oct 11ThomassEdwardElizabethBarlow   
 Dec 1AnnedThomasElizabethHammond   
 Jan 2JohnsWilliamSarahWelhead   
1712Apr 7JohnsJohnMaryRobinson  Mary a waygoer ?
 Jan 31ElizabethdJefferySarahBarny  ("Varney" in Transcript)
1713Aug 2JohnsHugh Hunt   
 Dec 26HesterdEdwardEliz.Barlow   
 Feb 14WilliamsRichardElizabethPissie   
 Feb 15JohnsJohnAnneWade   
1714Apr 3AthaliahdDanielHannahChapman   
 May 30ThomassThomasElizabethHammond   
 Aug 4JohnsChristopherPhillisfford  (not in Transcript)
 Aug 15ElizabethdWilliamSarahWelhead   
 Feb 27MarydRichardMary Barnett   
1715Apr 21MargaretdRalphEliza. MargretaStone  (The 1715 Transcript Apr 21 Margret d. Ralph Stone & Margret his wife)
 Sep 26Johns A poor travelling women   (The 1715 Transcript Sep 26 John Smith, a Bastard
 Dec 19MarydRichd.Eliz.Pissie   
1716Jul 5Anna MariadRalphEliza. MargretaStone   
 Jul 21JohnsSamuelMaryWelhead  ("Welled" in Transcript)
 Jul 29JohnsJohnElizabethHayly   
 Mch 4JohnsNathanielMaryBeaden  ("Beaden als Smith" in the Transcript)
1717Oct 9JobsThomasElizabethHammond  (?4th)
 Oct 18AnnedWilliamSarahWelled  ("Welhead" in Transcript)
 Oct 18HanahdWilliamSarahWelled  ("Welhead" in Transcript)
 Nov 27WilliamsJasperJoanHunt   
 Dec 12RalphsRalphEliza. MargretaStone   
 Dec 26MarydEdwardElizabethBarlow   
 Jan 27RichardsRichardElizabethPissie   
1718Oct 19LukesSamuelMaryWelled   
1719Apr 11MarydJefferySarahBarney   
 Apr 19JohnsRichardMaryBarnett   
 May 4AnnedNathanielMaryBeaden   
 May 18EdwardsHughMaryHunt   
 Jun 20JaspersJohnElizabethHayly  (not in trpt.)
 Aug 19HanahdJasperJoanHunt   
 Jun 3WilliamsWilliamElizabethDewbury  (dated January 3 in the Transcript)
 Jan 22ffrancissffrancisElizabethBryant   
 Mch 16JohnsEdwardElizabethBarlow   
1720May 9DrusilladRalphEliza MargarettaStone   
 Jul 23DinadWillmSarahWelled  (Mary his wife in transcript)
 Oct 7JohnsRichdElizPissey   
 Oct 16RobertsHughMaryHunt  (not in transcript)
 Oct 19HughsJasper jnrJoanHunt   
 Oct 24JohnsThomasElizHawks   
 Jan 4MarthadSamuelMarthaChapman  clerk
 Mch 18EdwardsFrancisElizabethBryant   
1721Apr 4MarydNathnanielMaryBeeden als Smith   
 Jun 29JohnsRalphEliza MargarettaStone   
 Sep 24James sRobert CareyElizabeth RakestrawCarey  Illigitimate son of Elizabeth Rakestraw and Robert Carey ye sworn father
 Oct 7CatherinedJohnMaryAllen   
 Feb 10WilliamsJohnElisHayly   
 Mch 24JohnsEdwdElizabethBarlow   
1722Aug 2MarydSamuelMarthaChapman  Clerk
 Jul 31AnndJonasMaryRance Bledlow(Jan, ?1) see photo
 Feb 10JohnsThomasSarahIves   
 Mch 3JohnsRichardMaryChandler Bledlow Ridge(of Bledlow in transcript)
 Mch 24MarydJohnMaryAllen   
1723Mch 31WmsRichdElizPissey  Mary his wife in transcript
 Apr 6WatersJasper JoanHunt   
 Jul 14JohnsEdwdGraceTranter   
 Sep 28SarahdWilliamDorothyWorcester   
 Dec 1WaltersJasperJoanHunt  (Water in transcript)
1724Apr 19RichardsRalphDamarisStone   
 Jan 24SarahdJohnMaryAllen   
 Feb 27Tho.sTho. SarahIves  (from the transcript not recorded in the register)
 Mch 14Edw.sEd.GraceTranter  (Ed. Son of Edwd. & Grace Trainer in the transcript)
1725May 10ElizabethdJohnElizabeth MayHaley   
 Jul 8Elizab.dJasperJoanHunt   
 Aug 2NathanielsGilesMaryWade   
 Sep 19ThomassRichardEliz.Pusey  (Eliz. Pusey written over Anne Lambourne)
 Oct 12RichardsRichard AnneLambourne   
 Nov 6WilliamsRalphDamarisStone   
 Nov 20JosephsWilliamAnneHunt  (In the transcript the childs name is recorded as "Rob")
 Mch 10JohnsJohnJaneTrandle   
1726Jun 5SarahdRicdMaryChaundler Bledlowe 
 Jul 17JanedThomasMaryBritnell Bledlowe 
 Feb 26BettydThomasSarahIves   
 Mch 5MarydThomasAnneClarke   
1727Apr 16GilessGilesMaryWade  (dated May 1_? In the transcript) see photo
 May 10MarydJasperJoanHunt   
 May 25PhanueldJohnMaryAllen   
 Jun 22JohnsEdwardElizabethStone   
 Aug 13DinahdJamesMaryWhitman   
 Oct 14WilliamsJohnElizabethHaley   
 Feb 11JanedJohnJaneTrendal   
1728May 6ElizabethdJohnMarySpringall   
 May 25ThomassThomasAnn Clarke   
 Jun 30ThomassRalphDamarisStone   
 Jan 19RobertsRichardElizabethPizey   
 Feb 9WilliamsWilliamElizabethCl__k (Clark)   
 Feb 17ElizabethdEdwardElizabethStone  (not in transcript)
1729Apr 20HannahdRichardMaryChandler Bledlowe 
 Feb 1AliciadThos.AnneClarke  (Transcript only)
 Mch 21WilliamsJohnjaneTrendal  (Transcript only)
1730Oct 30JohnsThomasRebeccahCary Bled. Par.(of these 4 baptisms only the entry Nov 15th is in the transcript)
 Nov 15JacobsJohnMaryAllen  (of these 4 baptisms only the entry Nov 15th is in the transcript)
 Dec 6JosephsJeoffryFrancesBarney  (of these 4 baptisms only the entry Nov 15th is in the transcript)
 Dec 26Edwd.sEdwardElizabethStone  (of these 4 baptisms only the entry Nov 15th is in the transcript)
1731Apr 19SarahdJohnSarahAlmond Par. Bled. 
 Jul 13WilliamsThomasElizabethYoungs   
 Feb 27Elizabethd Ann_lnch__k  bastard child Thomas Sudbury reputed father see photo
1732Mch 26HenrysHenryAnnFennel  (not in transcript)
 Apr 30BenjaminsRichardElizabethPizey  (not in Trpt)
 Jul 10ThomassThomasDinahPitkin   
 Jul 16ThomassThomasJaneTrendal   
 Aug 10RichardsJohnElizabethHaley   
 Sep 17JohnsRalphDamarisStone   
 Sep 24ThomassThomasElizabethYoungs  (Young in Trpt)
 Oct 7BenjaminsThomasSarahIves   
 Nov 19ElizabethdJohnMaryAllen   
1733Mch 26AnndHenryAnnFennel   
 May 28JeoffrysJeoffryFrancesBarney   
 Jun 30HughsHughSusannahHunt  (Not in transcript)
 Aug 12ThomassJohnMaryHorton   
 Oct 23RalphsEdwd.ElizabethStone   
1734Jun 3 ElizabethdThomasElizabethYoungs   
 Jun 9JohnsHughSusannahHunt   
 Jul 5ElizabethdThomasElizabethBradshaw   
 Jul 14JosephsJohnJaneTrendal   
 Jul 21ElizabethdJohnElizabeth? Mathews   
 Sep 8JohnsJohnMaryHorton  (Sep 8)
 Sep 15DinahdThos.DinahPittkins  (Pitkin in Trpt)
 Jan 26RuthdStephenFrancesStacey   
 Feb 23ElizabethdRobert AnnCarey Bledlow Ridge 
1735May 12HughsJohnElizabethHaly   
 May 25SamuelsEdwd Smith  Deceased
 May 25SarahdEdwd Smith   
 Jun 15JohnsJohnMaryAllen   
 Jun 28MarydJeoffryFrancesBarney   
 Aug 22HughsHughSusannahHunt   
 Oct 11MarydEdwd.ElizabethStone   
 Nov 13AnndJohnMaryHorton   
 Jan 5ElizabethdThomasElizabethBarlowe   
 Jan 10JohnsElizabethSewell    
 Mch 14ThomassThomasElizabethBradshaw   
1736May 2AnndJohnElizabethTrendall   
 Jun 27SusannadHughSusanna Hunt   
 Aug 15RalphsTho. SarahIves   
 Oct 31Ricd.sWm.Elizabeth TripFellow  Wm. Fellow reputed Father & Elizabeth Trip
 Feb 16MarydJohnElizabethMathews   
1737Apr 20AnndEdwd.Elizab.Stone  (This entry is from the Transcript and is not in the register)
 May 22AnndJohnMaryHorton   
 Jul 31JohnsJohnEstherHill   
 Aug 6Ann   king  a Traveller's Child
 Sep 3AnndStephenFrancesStacey   
 Sep 21MarydThomasElizabethBarlowe   
 Oct 15RuthdThomasAnnClarke   
 Dec 11MarydThomasElizabethYoungs   
 Dec 17HenrysralphDamarisStone   
 Jan 11ElizabethdJohnElizabethTrendal   
 Feb 6James sJohnEleanorSeal   
 Mch 12RichardsThomasElizabethCator  (Cato on Transcript)
1738Apr 30MarydStephenMaryYoung    
 Jun 25Ann dJohnMaryAllen   
 Jul 1ElizabethdJeoffryFrancesBarney   
 Jul 8ElizabethdThomasDinahPitkin   
 Nov 12ElizabethdThomasElizabethBradshaw   
 Nov 20HughsHughSusannahHunt   
 Mch 4JohnsJohnElizabethMathews  (not in Transcript)
1739Apr 22BenjaminsBenjaminHannahKeene Bledlow Ridge 
 Jul 8SarahdRicd.MaryStone   
 Jul 15GracedJohnMaryHorton   
 Oct 13Robt.sEdwd.ElizabethStone   
 Oct 14JanedThomasElizabethYoung  (Oct ?????in Transcript) see photo
 Jan 13CharlessHenryJaneFennel   
1740Apr 13AnndJohnElizabethTrendal  (not in Transcript)
 Jun 8JohnsThomasDinahPitkin   
 Jul 20MarydStephenFrancesStacy  ("lacy" in Transcript)
 Oct 30IsaacsJohnMaryAllen   
 Dec 4ThomassThomasElizabethNewel   
 Dec 4ElizabethdThomasElizabethNewel   
 Mch 10WilliamsEdwd.ElizabethStone   
1741Apr 19JohnsJohnSarahHunt   
 May 17JanedStephenMaryYoungs   
 Jul 20SarahdJohnSarahCowdry   
 Jul 26MarydHughSusannahHunt  (28 July in Transcript)
 Aug 23SarahdThomasElizabethYoungs   
 Aug 23Ann dElizabethMathews    
 Oct 7ElizabethdTho. ElizabethBarlowe   
 Nov 16JohnsThomasDinahPitkin  ("Phipkin in the Transcript)
1742Apr 12JohnsHenryJaneFennell   
 Aug 5JohnsJohnSarahCowdry  (Aug 5)
 Aug 11SarahdEdwdElizabethStone   
 Sep 12AnndRicdMaryStone   
 Oct 17MarydJohnElizabethTrendal   
 Nov 7MarydJohnEleanr.Seal   
 Dec 26JohnsJohnSarahHunt   
 Dec 27MariadWilliamMariaStone Bledlow ridge 
 Feb 27Elizabeth dHughSusannahHunt   
1743Apr 3WilliamsStephenFrancisStacy   
 Apr 17Elizabeth dGeorgeElizabethBennel Bledlow ridge 
 May 20DinahdThomasElizabethYoungs Bledlow ridge 
 Aug 16RicdsEdwdElizabethStone   
 Sep 9HannahdJohnAnnBowdery   
 Oct 18JosephsThomasDinahPitkin   
 Oct 30JohnsJohnAnnAvery   
 Jan 23MarydJohnMaryHorton   
 Jan 23AbigaildJohnMaryHorton   
 Jan 24Sarahd MaryCowper  (Transcript: "Sarah Cowper dau of Sarah Cowper")
1744May 6AnndJohnSarahAlmon   
 May 7HenrysThomasElizabethBradshaw   
 Jun 10JohnsJohnElizabethMathews   
 Aug 19MarydHenryjaneFennel    
 Oct 2BenjaminsBenjaminElizabethTrip Bledlow Ridge 
 Oct 21JosephsBenjaminHannahKeen Bledlow Ridge 
 Nov 28RicdsThomasDinahPitkin   
 Dec 9SarahdJohnSarahHunt   
 Dec 9Elizabeth dThomasElizabethRakestraw  The transcript also recorded this further baptism
 Jan 17JohnsGeorgeElizabethBennel Bledlow ridge 
 Jan 23JosephsJohnElizabethHawks   
 Jan 23MarydJohnElizabethHawks   
 Jan 23SarahdJohnSarahCowdery   
 Mch 12PhilodelphiadRobertAnnBurgess  bapt
1745Mch 29RuthdJohnAnnBoudry  (not in transcript)
 May 12JamessThomasElizabethYoungs Bledlow ridge 
 Jun 30JohnsStephenMaryYoungs   
 Sep 29HenrysJohnElizabethRigson Bledlow parish 
 Sep 29Elizabeth dJamesElizabethYoungs Bledlow parish 
 Nov 3EdwdsStephenFrancisStacy   
 Nov 17RalphsWilliamAnna MariaStone Bledlow parish 
 Nov 17EdmundsEdmdElizabethKeene Bledlow parish 
 Feb 17ThomassEdwdElizabethStone   
 Feb 23WilliamsWilliamAnnSpindler Bledlow parish(not in transcript)
 Mch 22SarahdJohnSarahCowdry   
 The Baptisms in Register & Transcript for 1746 & 1747 disagree considerably; some appear duplicated under each year in the Register, while there are several in the Transcript that are not in the Register. For these two years the baptisms as recorded in the Register & Transcript are here set forth separately        
 (From the foregoing, it would appear that the Transcripts have the true records for the two years)        
1746 Register         
 no dateRuthdJohnElizabethTrendal   
 Jun 8Elizabeth dJohnSarahHunt   
 Jun 15JanedHenryJaneFennel   
 Sep 24Elizabeth dGeorgeElizabethBennel Bledlow ridge 
 Nov 23MarydThomasElizabethRakestraw   
1747 Register         
 Apr 6MarydHughSusanna Hunt   
 Jun 8Elizabeth dJohnSarahHunt   
 Jun 15JanedHenryjaneFennel   
 Sep 7Elizabeth dWilliamDinahPisey  (7 Sep)
 Sep 24Elizabeth dGeorgeElizabethBennel Bledlow ridge 
 Nov 23MarydThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 Jan 4RuthdJohnElizabethTrendal   
 Feb 15John sJohnElizabethRigson   
 Feb 26ThomassJohnAnnBowdery   
 The Baptisms in Register & Transcript for 1746 & 1747 disagree considerably; some appear duplicated under each year in the Register, while there are several in the Transcript that are not in the Register. For these two years the baptisms as recorded in the Register & Transcript are here set forth separately        
1746 Transcript         
 Apr 6MarydHughSusannahHunt   
 Jun 8Elizabeth dJohnSarahHunt   
 Jun 15JanedHenryJaneFennel   
 Sep 7Elizabeth dWilliamDinahPizey   
 Sep 24Elizabeth dGeorgeElizabethBennel of Stoken of Bledlow parish 
 Nov 23MarydThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 Jan 4RuthdJohnElizabethTrendal   
 Feb 15JohnsJohnElizabethRigson   
 Feb 26ThomassJohnAnnBowdry   
1747 Transcript         
 May 4MarydThomasDinahPhipkin   
 Jul 12ThomassWilliamAnnSpindler   
 Jul 24ThomassRobertAnnBurgess   
 Aug 19WilliamsWilliamDinahPizey   
 Nov 6/8WilliamsJohnElizabethMathews  see photo
 Nov 16WilliamsThomasElizabethBradshaw   
 Dec 30RicdsEdwdElizabethStone   
1748Jun 11AlicedGeorgeElizabethBennel Bledlow ridge(in transcript June 17)
 Aug 22EstherdThomasElizabethBarlow   
 Oct 30ThomassWilliamDinahPizey   
 Dec 4ElizabethdJohnElizabethPizey   
 Feb 4ElizabethdJohnElizabethStone   
 Feb 26ThomassThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 Jun 11AnndThomasElizabethYoungs Bledlow ridge 
 Jul 22ElizabethdHenryJaneFennel   
 Aug 3RobertsHughSusannahHunt   
 Nov 25StephensStephenMaryYoungs  (Young in trpt)
 Dec 26JohnsThomasAnnIves   
 Jan 7SarahdWilliamDinahPizey  (Pissey in trpt)
1750May 20AnndEdmundElizabethKeene   
 Aug 20EdwardsThomasElizabethBarlow  (Edmund and May 22 in Trpt)
 Sep 1 ThomassJohnElizabethmathews  (Sep 9 in Trpt)
 Sep 16SarahdJonathanAnnLovat  ("John" in trpt)
 Sep 23JohnsJohnAnnDormer   
 Oct 7EdwardsJohnElizabethStone   
 Oct 14WilliamsThomasClementNewell   
 Dec 26MarydThomasMaryClark Bledlow ridge(not in transcript)
 Jan 13MarthadhenryMaryRackly  (transcript only(
 Mch 4JohnsWilliamDinahPizzey  (transcript only(
 Mch 22MarydGeorgeElizabethBennell  (not in transcript)
1751Apr 7RuthdThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 Apr 8JohnsChristopherAnnAvery   
 Dec 25SarahdJosephJoanStevens Bledlow Ridge 
 Jan 26WilliamsJohnHannahTrendall   
1752May 17JohnsThomasElizabethBradshaw   
 May 30SarahdWilliamDinahPizey   
 Jun 21AnndThomasClementNewell   
 Aug 23ElizabethdJohnMargar(eo)tBarlow   
 Nov 1HannahdJohnHannahMorris Bledlow Ridge 
1753Jan 6JohnsJohnElizabethStone  (not in Transcript)
 Feb 18RobertsMathewElizabethJenkins  (not in Transcript)
 Mch 25HannahdThomasElizabethBarlow   
 Apr 3Ann dThomasMaryClarke Bledlow Ridge(Apr 9 in Trpt)
 Apr 15GeorgesGeorgeSarahRigson Bledlow Ridge 
 May 20BenjaminsWilliamDinahPissey   
 Jul 22RichardsJohnElizabethTrendall   
 Aug 26JanedWilliamElizabethTrendall   
 Oct 30EdwardsEdwardElizabethWharton   
1754Mch 17SarahdJamesElizabethYoungs Bledlow Ridge 
 Mch 24LydiadThomasClementNewell Bledlow Parish 
 Apr 14MarydJohnMaryPusey   
 Apr 15JohnsJohnHannahMorris Bledlow Ridge 
 Jul 8EdwardsJohnAnnDormer   
 Aug 4RichardsJohnSusanna Barnet   
 Sep 8JohnsJohnMargaretBarlow   
 Nov 10ThomassThomasElizabethBarlow   
 Dec 28JamessJamesEstherGrimsdale  (This was an additional entry in trpt)
1755Feb 2JohnsJamesEstherGrimsdale   
 Feb 6ThomassGeorgeElizabethBennell   
 May 4JonassJonasMaryBritnal  (Britnel in Trpt)
 May 19SarahdThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 Jun 19ThomassThomasRuthChowne   
 Sep 28CharlessMathewAnnChanner   
 Sep 28ElizabethdJohnSarahBarnet   
 Oct 12BenjaminsJohnElizabethTrendal   
 Nov 9JohnsThomasClementNewell Bledlow Parish 
 Dec 7SarahdJohnMaryPizey  (Dec 5 in Trpt)
 Dec 28JohnsJohn AnnSkinner   
 Dec 28MathewsMathewElizabethJenkingson Bledlow Parish 
1756Jan 18ThomassThomasMaryIves   
 Jan 18JohnsEdwardAnnWharton   
 Mch 21BenjaminsWilliamDinahPissey   
 Apr 4JohnsJohnSarahHorton   
 May 2 SarahdJohnElizabethStone   
 May 16SarahdLeviElizabethGibbs   
1757Jan 2 JohnsJohnRuthBowdery   
 Jan 5EstherdThomasElizabethBarlow   
 Jan 30RobertsJohnSarahHunt   
 Feb 6WilliamsJamesEstherGrimsal  (Grimsdale in Trpt)
 Apr 17SarahdJohnMaryPizey   
 May 1AnndThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 May 22SarahdThomasClementNewell Bledlow Parish 
 Aug 21EdwardsJohnMargaretBarlow   
 Aug 28MarydRichardElizabethHaley   
 Sep 4JoannadMathewAnnChannar   
 Nov 13JohnsJosephMaryIves   
1758Jan 3MarydRalphSarahStone  (Jan 10 in Tramscript)
 Feb 19MarydThomasAnnRidgway   
 Apr 2WilliamsJohnElizabethStone   
 Jul 31AnndGeorgeElizabethBennell Bledlow ridge 
 Aug 27ElizabethdWilliamDinahPuzey  (Pizey in trpt)
 Sep 24WilliamsWilliamElizabethTrendal   
 Oct 8MarydDanielRuthBulter   
 Dec 10HannahdEdwardAnnWharton   
 Dec 17JohnsLevyElizabethGibbs   
1759Mch 18StephensJohnRuthBowdery   
 Apr 15Josephs Elizabeth Bennel  son of Elizabeth Bowdry, mother (bastard child)
 May 6JohnsThomasClementNewell Bledlow Parish 
 May 15WilliamsRalphSarahStone   
 May 27HannahdThomasElizabethRakestraw   
 Jun 3ElizabethdThomasAnnRidgway   
 Jul 22JanedRichardHannahPizey  (Jun in trpt)
 Aug 26ThomassJohnMargaretBarlow   
 Oct 28JohnsWilliamDinahPizey   
 Nov 25SarahdMathewAnnChanner   
1760Mch 9JosephsJosephMaryIves   
 Mch 18Elizabethd MaryBarney  a bastard child (Mch 1_? In trpt) See Photo
 Jun 8PhillisdJohnElizabethStone  (Jun 2? In trpt) See Photo
 May 15JohnsRalphJaneIves  (Jun 15 in trpt)
 Aug 24SarahdWilliamElizabethTrendal   
 Aug 24Mathew   Channer  aged 32 years bap.
 Aug 31ThomassJamesEstherGrimsdale   
 Nov 2SarahdDanielRuthBulter Bledlow ridge 
 Nov 16ThomassRichardElizabethHaley   
 Nov 25JohnsGeorgeEstherAlmon   
 Dec 21SamuelsThomasAnnBradshaw   
1761Jan 18RichardsRichardHannahPusey  (Ann in trpt)(Pizey in transcript)
 Mch 1RichardsRichardMaryFaulkner   
 Mch 15DinahdTho.ElizabethRakestraw   
 Mch 22HenrysRalphSarahStone   
 Apr 26WilliamsJohnRuthBowdry   
 Jul 28ElizabethdThomasHannahNewell Bledlow parish(Clement in trpt)
 Sep 13MarydLeviElizabethGibbs   
 Nov 29JohnsThomasAnnRidgway   
 Dec 6BenjaminsRalphJaneIves   
1762Jan 3MarydJohnElizabethStone   
 Apr 4MarydJohnMargaretBarlowe  (Apr 3 in trpt)
 Jun 6Elizabethd ElizabethWittington  a Bastard child (Jun 5 and Widdington in transcript)
 Jul 4JohnsMathewAnn/ChannerChanner  (trpt: Mathew & Ann Channer)
 Jul 11ElizabethdWilliamElizabethTrendal   
 Aug 22MosessDavidMaryMines   
 Aug 19MarydEdwardElizabethBlackwell   
 Oct 18RuthdJohnRuthBowdery   
 Oct 23RichardsRichardHannahPizey   
 Oct 24ThomassJonathanSarahFellow   
 Nov 7PhillisdThomasElizabethRakestraw   
1763Jan 9SarahdJosephMaryIves   
 Feb 23JamessThomasMaryClarke   
 Mch 27George/RobertsRalphSarahHester  George witten over Robert (Transcript records Christian name as Robert, & surname as Esther)
 May 1HannahdRalphJaneIves   
 May 22HenrysRichardMaryFaulkner   
 Jun 5SarahdRalphSarahStone   
 Jul 10WilliamsLeviElizabethGibbs   
 Oct 2AmbrosesThomasClementNewell   
 Nov 13WilliamsWilliamElizabethWade   
 Dec 4RalphsJohnElizabethStone   
1764Jan 8JohnsFrancisSarahTaylor  (not in transcript)
 Feb 26HannahdDavidMaryMines  (not in transcript)
 Aug 5JohnsGeorgeEstherAlmon  (Almond in trpt)
 Aug 20JohnsWilliamElizabethTrendall   
 Oct 11EsterdJohnMargaretBarlow   
 Dec 26Jamess MaryWharton  (Transcript: James son of Thomas & Mary Wharton)
1765Jan 20EphraimsJosephMaryIves  (these are recorded in the 1764 Transcript after the bapt. 26 Dec 1764 & each of these three records the year as 1764 apparently in error)
 Mch 10MichaelsJnoSarahClark  (these are recorded in the 1764 Transcript after the bapt. 26 Dec 1764 & each of these three records the year as 1764 apparently in error)
 Apr 3AnndJnoElizStone  (these are recorded in the 1764 Transcript after the bapt. 26 Dec 1764 & each of these three records the year as 1764 apparently in error)
 May 19ElizabethdLeviElizGibbs  (in Transcript, the fathers Christian name is given as "Jno ")
 Jun 8ThomassRalphJno ("Jane" written above "Jno" which is deleted)Ives  (Trpt records "Jno. & Ralph Ives")
 Jun 9HenrysThosClementNewel    
 Sep 1WilliamsRalphSarahStone West Wycombe parish 
 Sep 22JohnsThosElizRakestraw  (Richard in Trpt)
 Sep 29JohnsRichardMaryFaulkner   
 Oct 22ThomassThomasElizabethWellard   
 Dec 15SarahdFrancisSarahTyler   
1766Jan 12MarydJnoElizabethLarence  (this is the only baptism - there are no marriages or burials in the transcripts for the year 1766 and this baptism is recorded after the 1765 entries in the 1765 transcript)
 Apr 20BenjaminsRichardHannahP(il)esy   
 Apr 27ElizabethdWmMaryRoberts   
 Jun 29HannahdRalphJaneIves   
 Aug 17WilliamsThosAnneStevens   
 Aug 17AnnedJnoSara Clark   
 Aug 24JohnsThosSaraFellow   
 Sep 14JohnsD.dMaryMines/Nines   
 Nov 2AnnedRalphSaraStone   
 Nov 11Sara dJefferyMaryBarney   
 Nov 16AnnedLeviEliz Gibbs   
1767Jan 1CatharinedJnoEliz Stone  (not in transcript)
 Feb 1NanneydThosClementNewell  (not in transcript)
 Mch 23ThossWmAnneTrendal  (not in transcript)
 Jun 14JohnsHenryAnn Seymer   
 Jul 5MarydJosephMaryIves   
 Jul 22SarahdJohn Ann Hunt   
 Sep 27Ann dEdwardJaneBurnham  (This bapt is repeated in register on the page after the 1754 marriages)
 Oct 18JamessRalphJane Ives  (This bapt is also recorded separately on the page after the 1754 marriages)
 Dec 6WmsJohn ElizabethBennel   
1768Jan 24JohnsJohn HannahBiggs Bledlow ridge 
 Feb 14RobertsJohn ElizabethStone  0ne of twins
 Feb 14ThomassJohn ElizabethStone  0ne of twins
 Mch 27AnndThosAliceClark   
 Mch 27JosephsFrancisSarahTaylor   
 Jul 7ElizabethdJohn ElizabethAlmond  (not in transcript) see Photo for more Info before 1769 entries
 Jul 7WilliamsJohn SarahHorton  (not in transcript) see Photo for more Info before 1769 entries
 Dec 22HestersRalphJaneIves   
 no dateblankdJosephMaryIves  (not recorded in the transcript)
1769Jan 15JohnsGeorgeHesterAlmond Bledlow ridge (blank in register "John" in transcript) (Jan 13 in trpt)
 Apr 2JosephsWilliamAnnTrendal   
 Aug 9JohnsJohn ElizabethBennell   
 Sep 17JohnsJohn AnnHunt   
 Oct 22Peter George   Florida  a negro child about eight years of age
 Nov 19WilliamsJohn SarahClark   
 Nov 26ElizabethdThomas Alice Clark   
 Dec 17ThomassWilliamMaryCollins   
1770Apr 15AnndJohn ElizabethLarance  (not in transcript)
 Jun 3ThomassJohn AnnSarah   
 Jun 28MarydJohn ElizabethBatten  (not in transcript)
 Aug 19GeorgesJohn ElizabethAlmond   
 Dec 30JanedJohn ElizabethStone   
1771Feb 2ThomassThosAlice Clark Bledlow ridge 
 Apr 21HannahdJohn ElizthBennell   
 Apr 21RalphsJosephMaryIves   
 Jun 29Ann dJohn Ann Hunt   
 Aug 11WilliamsWilliamSarahFennell   
 Sep 29Ann dJohn Stone junrElizabethStone   
 Oct 6AnndJamesEstherGrimsdale   
 Oct 6AnndWilliamAnnTrendall  (in transcript Oct 27)
 Oct 27WilliamsThomasSusanahBowdrey  (in transcript Oct 27)
1772Mch 1BettdHjohnElizabethLarance   
 Mch 29___ JosephsJosephMaryKeen Bledlow ridge 
 Mch 29AlicedThomasAlice Clark Bledlow ridge 
 Apr 12ThomassJohnAnnSarah  (John in transcript)
 Apr 19HannahdJohn Stone senrElizabethStone   
 Jun 21John sJohnElizabethBatten   
 Jun 28WilliamsWilliamMaryCollins   
 Jul 12ElizbethdJohn AppelbyElizabeth KeeneKeene/Appelby  Natural Dau. Of Elizabeth Keene & John Appleby (Not in transcript)
 Aug 30WilliamsWilliamMarthaStacey   
 Oct 11WilliamsJohnElizabethAlmon   
 Dec 27RuthdWilliamElizabethTrendall   
1773Mch 7RobertsJohnElizabethBennell   
 Apr 22HenrysHenryAnnSeymer   
 no dateAnndEdwardJaneBurnham  no date in transcript
 Jul 26ElizabethdRalphJaneIves   
 Jun 27ElizabethdJohn AnnHunt   
 Aug 8John VerneysJefferey Sarah Barney   
 Aug 2_?ElizabethdJohn ElizabethLawrance  see photo
 Nov 7Charlotte JulianadJohn ElizabethStone   
 Dec 17EstherdWilliamHannahBowers   
 Dec 17ElizabethdFrancesmaryStandbrook   
1774Jan 6HannahdThomasAliceClark Bledlow ridge 
 Mch 6ElizabethdJohnAnnSarah   
 Mch 22WilliamsFrancisSarah Tayler   
 May 26HannahdJohnHannahBiggs Bledlow Ridge 
 May 29MarydWilliamSarah Newell Bledlow Ridge 
 Jun 26RalphsRalphJaneIves   
 Jun 30SarahdJefferySarahBarney   
 Jul 17ElizabethdJohn Stone the youngerElizabethStone   
 Oct 11RichardsJohnElizabethLawrance   
 Nov 27RobertsJohnElizabethBatton   
 Dec 17RichardsWilliamMaryCollins   
1775Jan 22SarahdJohnElizabethAlmon   
 Mch 8SarahdWilliamMarthaStacey   
 Mch 10ElizabethdWilliamHannahBowers  (not in transcript)
 Mch 12MarydJohnElizabethBennell   
 Apr 30ThomassThomasHannahNewell Bledlow RidgeNo trpt for Lady Day 1775 to 1776
 Apr 30JanedThos.AnnLawrance  No trpt for Lady Day 1775 to 1776
 Jul 29ElizabethdFrancisSarahTayler  No trpt for Lady Day 1775 to 1776
 Jul 29JohnsRichardMaryTrindall Bledlow RidgeNo trpt for Lady Day 1775 to 1776
1776 The year 1776 first baptism in transcript is July 10th       
 July 10ElizabethdJohnAnnSarah   
 Aug 10MarydEdwardDorothy Stone Wycombaged 18 years (in transcript the date is Aug 15 1776)
 Oct 26MarydFrancisMaryStandbrook   
 Nov 10HenrysEdwardJaneBurnham   
 Mch 15RobertsJohnAnnSarah  (not in transcript)
1777Feb 2ElizabethdJohnElizabethBennell   
 Feb 2MarydThomasAliceClark   
 Feb 5John VerneysJeoffery Sarah Barney  (not in transcript)
 Mch 2ElizabethdEdwardSarahDormer   
 Mch 2ElizabethdThos.HannahNewell   
 Mch 2WilliamsJamesMaryBritnell   
 Mch 9EdwardsJohn Stone the youngerElizabethStone   
 Jun 22PhillisdJohnAnn Hunt   
 Oct 4Ann dJohnElizabethAlson   
 Dec 21SarahdJohnAnn Sarah   
1778Jun 28WilliamsJohnLydiaNewell   
 Jul 12CatharinedFrancis SarahTaylor   
 Aug 2ThomassRichardRuthFaulkner   
1779Jan 5ThomassJohnElizabethBennell   
 Jan 31AnndThomasHannahNewell Bledlow 
 Jan 31AnndWilliam BowersSusannah ReynoldsBowers  Natural Daughter of Susannah Reynolds & William Bowers reputed father
 Mch 28WilliamsJohn Stone the youngerElizabethStone   
 Mch 28EdmunddWilliamMarthaStacey   
 Apr 4HenrysJohn HannahNewell Great Marlow 
 Apr 11JamessWilliamMaryCollens   
 Apr 11HenrysWilliamMaryCollins   
 Apr 11MarthadJames MaryBritnell   
 Apr 11JamessJohnSarahHester Bledlow ridge 
 Jul 25EdmundsWm.EstherHaws   
 Jul 25WilliamsJohnAnnHunt  (in transcrpt the surname is recorded as Bennell)
 Sep 26MarydJohnCharlotteCourtnall   
 Oct 24JanedFrancisMaryStandbrook   
 Nov 7Mary dJohnElizabethAlmon   
1780Jan 23ElizabethdJohnElizthBatten  (in transcript the date has been altered fron Jan 23 to Jan 15)
 Jun 25John sJohn MarySaunders  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 Oct 22Thomassnatural sonElizabethRidgway  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 Dec 31MarthadRichardRuthFaulkner  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 Dec 131blanksThomasElizabethBarnet  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
1781Jan 28RobertsWilliamAnnStone  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 Mch 11SarahdJohnElizabethStone  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 Mch 18JamessJohnElizabethBennell  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 Apr 22ElizabethdJohnCharlotteCourtnell  no Transcipt for Lady Day 1780 to 1781
 May 14John VerneysJeffery Sarah Barney  Not in trpt
 May 20ElizabethdWilliamEstherHaws   
 Jun 24JohnsWilliamMarthaStacey   
 Jul 1HenrysJohnLydiaNewell  in register a faint 2 before the 1 of the date, but in transcript date is 1 July
1782Feb 3RobertsJohnAnnHunt   
 Feb 10EdwardsEdward Stone the youngerElizabethStone   
 Feb 17WilliamsJosephJaneStiles Bledlow ridgeNot in transcript
 May 5GeprgesPeter George PhillisFlorida   
 May 19JanedJohnElizabethVarnum otp 
 May 26ThomassJohnSarahHester Bledlow ridge 
 Sep 22MarydRobertElizabethCarey Bledlow ridge 
1783Mch 2JohnsJohn CharlotteCourtnell   
 Mch 2MarydThomasSarahNewell Bledlow ridge 
 Apr 20Ann dBenjaminElizabethAvery   
 Apr 27RobertsWilliamMaryCollens   
 May 18JosephsRichard RuthFaulknor   
 Jun 22MarthadThomasElizabethSanders  (Saunders in trpt)
 Nov 2Charles AnthonysPeter George Phillis (Ruth deleted)Florida  Pr. (Transcript Peter & Phillis F)
 Nov 2HannahdJohnElizabethStone   
 Nov 2ElizabethdJohnHannahNewell   
 Nov 30MarydThomasHannahRogers Bledlow ridge(Entered after 21 Mch 1784 in register book)
 Dec 28WilliamsWilliamElizabethBarney   
1784Feb 8ElizabethdRichard ElizabethBrazier Bledlow ridge(Recorded lower in register and out of place)
 Feb 22SarahdJefferySarahBarney  (In transcript Sarah Varney Dau of Jeffery and Sarah Barney)
 Feb 29HenrysJohnElizabethBennell   
 Mch 21WilliamsWilliamMary VarnumCarter  William Carter the reputed father (transcript: Wm Carter son of Wilim. Carter & Mary Varnum)
 Apr 11SarahdThomasJohanahNewell   
 Jun 13WilliamsFrancisMaryStanfbrook  (not in Trpt)
 Sep 5JohnsWilliamMarthaStacey   
 Sep 12EdwardsJohnSarahHester Bledlow 
 Oct 10WilliamsThomasMaryGrimsdale   
 Nov 11JohnsBenjaminElizabethAvery   
 Dec 26JohnsJohnDinahYoung Bledlow ridge 
1785Jan 30SarahdEdward SarahDormer   
 Apr 15JosephsJohnMarySanders   
 Apr 22SarahdJamesMaryBritnall Bledlow ridge 
 Nov 6GeorgesJohnElizabethBennell   
1786 (No transcript of Baptisms)       
 Apr 30ElizabethdWilliamDinahLambourn  P.
 May 21Jane MariadPeter PhillisFlorida otp 
 Jun 18JohnsJohnMarthaRogers Bledlow ridge 
 Jul 9ThomassWilliamSarahNewell Bledlow ridge 
 Jul 16JosephsJohnLydiaNewell   
 Jul 25RichardsThomasMarthaAvery Bledlow Ridge 
 Jul 30RichardsJohnCharlotteCourtnell   
 Jul 30MarydJohnAnnHunt   
 Sep 11JamessThomasSarahBrooks Saunderton 
 Sep 17ElizabethdWilliamAnnLee Saunderton 
 Oct 8JohnsEdwardSarahDormer   
 Dec 24ThomassWilliamAnnStone   
1787Jan 14JohnsJohnMaryWharton  (not in transcript)
 May 4ThomassBenjaminElizabethAvery   
 Jun 10ElizabethdWilliamMaryCollins   
 Sep 2WilliamsJohnHannahNewell   
 Oct 7ElizabethdRichard RuthFaulknor   
 Nov 18WilliamsEdwardSarahJones   
 Nov 25Ann dJohnMaryRogers Bledlow ridge 
 Dec 2ElizabethdEdwardElizabethStone   
1788Jan 13EdmundsJohnElizabethBennell   
 Mch 9WilliamsJohnHannahOxlard   
 Mch 23AmbrosesJohnLiddiaNewell   
 May 18JohnsThomasMaryBarlow   
 May 18JamessWilliamHesterHawes   
 Jun 1MarydJohnMarySaunders   
 Jun 1ElizabethdWilliamSarahNewell Bledlow Ridge 
 Jun 25JanedWilliamMarthaStacey   
 Aug 17MarydJohnMaryWharton   
 Sep 21EdmundsEdwardMaryBurnham   
 Oct 26ElizabethdJohnHannahNewell   
 Dec 21JanedJohnAnnHunt   
1789Jan 4ThomassEdwardSarahDormer   
 Feb 15ElizabethdThomasSarah ManningStone  Thomas Stone reputed father
 Mch 1JohnsJohnElizabethBowdry   
 Apr 12EdwardsJohnSarahHester Bledlow Ridge 
 Jul 26MarthadThomasMarthaAvery Bledlow Ridge 
 Aug 3JoanettadWm.MarthaStacey  (trpt Wm. & Sarah S.)
 Oct 11WilliamsJohnElizabethBatten   
 Oct 18JohnsJohnMaryRodgers Bledlow ridge 
 Nov 15JamessThomasHannahRodgers Bledlow Ridge 
 Nov 22EdmundsWm.JaneBall Bledlow Ridge 
 Nov 29Ann dWm.AnnHester   
1790Jan 10ElizabethdBenjaminElizthAvery   
 Feb 7JamessThomasMaryGrimsdale   
 Feb 9JohnsWillm.SarahTurner   
 Mch 28MarydJohn HannahOxlard   
 Apr 25WilliamsAnnJosephClark  Joseph Taylor the reputed father, poor (trpt :Pauper")
 May 16ElizabethdPeter George Phillis Florida  Poor
 May 23NannydJohn ElizthSeymore   
 May 30JohnsAnn George AlmonHopkins Bledlow RidgeGeorge Almon the reputed father
 July 4WilliamsJohnHannahNewell   
 Aug 1AnndEdwardSarahDormer   
 Oct 31JohnsJamesHannahWalker Bledlow Ridge 
 Nov 7Mary AnndRichard HannahHopkins   
 Nov 7EdmundsJohnLiddiaNewell of this parishpoor (Transcript: "a pauper")
 Sep 12JamessJohnMarySaunders   (Transcript: "a pauper")
 Sep 12CharlessGeorgeMaryThomson   (Transcript: "a pauper")
 Oct 7WilliamsJohnMaryWharton   
 Oct 7ThomassJosephMaryKeen  Bledlow Ridge
 Oct 7JohnsEdwardElizthStone   
 Oct 21ElizabethdJosephTamerMartin  Bledlow
 Dec 12ElizabethdThos.MaryDean  Bledlow Ridge pauper
1791Jan 9Anna MariadThos.AnnTrendal   
 Feb 6AnndRichd.LydiaBrooks  Bledlow Ridge pauper
 Feb 20James sDanielElizabethBulter  Bledlow Ridge
 Feb 20MarydJohn BennelElizabeth Stone Bennel  John Bennel the ruputed father
 Feb 27AnndWilliamSarahNewel  Bledlow Ridge
 Feb 27PhebedJohnDinahYoungs  Bledlow Ridge pauper
 Mch 13James sEdwardSarahJones  pauper
 Apr 3ElizabethdJohnRebeccaRidgeway   
 Apr 9JerrysAmbroseMaryBrooks  pauper
 May 1WilliamsJosephElizthCrook  Bledlow Ridge
 May 15WilliamsThos.ElizthHaren Bledlow ridge(Transcript: surname spelt Hearn)
 May 15James sThos.ElizthHaren Bledlow ridge(Transcript: surname spelt Hearn)
 Jul 3HannahdThos. ElizthSanders  (Trpt: July 5
 Jul 17RuthdThos.AnnCobcot Bledlow ridge 
 Aug 28CharlessJohnSarahHester Bledlow Ridgepauper,
 Dec 18GeorgesWilliamAnnHester  (trpt: Dec 13)
 Dec 18MarydThos.AnnTrendal   
 Dec 25Thos.sThomasMaryBarlow   
1792Jan 22AnndEdwardElizabethStone   
 Feb 12HenrysWilliamJaneBall Bledlow 
 Mch 18JohnsJosephTamerMarten Do. 
 Mch 25AnndThomasElizabethBritnel Bledlow(not in transcript)
 Apr 15WilliamsJohnAnnJenkins Bledlow(not in transcript)
 May 27Eliz.dJohnEliz.Seymour   
 May 27CharlottedEdwdMaryBurnham   
 Jun 17MarydThos.MaryAvery   
 Sep 2Thos.sThos.MaryDean   
 Sep 23MarydBejaminElizabethAvery   
 Nov 4Richd.sRichd.MaryHopkins   
 Nov 25MarydHeneryAnnPersey   
 Dec 2DavidsThos.ElizabethHarin   
 Dec 9James sThos.MaryClarke   
1793Jan 6MarydJohnHannaOxlade   
 Jan 13CharlottedEdwdSarahDormer   
 Jan 13WillmsDanl.ElizabethButler   
 Mch 3Thos.sJno.MarySaunders   
 Mch 3AnndJno.MaryWorten   
 Mch 3SarahdJamesSarahWarner   
 Mch 17JosephsJohnSarahHester   
 Mch 17MarydJno.SarahHester   
 Mch 24JosephsJno.DianaYoung  Register carried in.
 Mch 31PhoebedThos.SarahStiler   
 Apr 21John sRobertAnnStone   
 Apr 21Thos.sWm.HesterHasp   
 Apr 28ElizabethdWilliamMariaYoung   
 May 5MarydThos.CharlotteWarren   
 May 12WilliamsWilliamAnnLee   
 May 12LydiadRichd.LydiaBrocks  (Brooks in trpt.)
 Jun 16John sHenryMaryNewel  Bledlow Ridge 
 Jul 14JosephsJno.HannahNewel    
 Jul 28ElizabethdJames StevensElizabeth Martin  James Stevens reputed father
 Aug 21John sWilliamSarahNevel  P.B. was privately baptized and was admitted into the church ye last Sept
 Sep 8AlicedAmbroseMarybrooks  P.B.
 Nov 17ElizabethdWm.ElizabethStone   
 Dec 1James sJohnAnnHunt   
 Dec 8WilliamsAndrewAnnKey  P.B.
 Dec 22John sJohn BennelHannah StoneBennell  Jen. Lloyde Jones Cur.
1794 (B.R. against certain entries in register probably stands for Bledlow Ridge)       
 Jan 5Elizabeth dJosephSarahTrendal  P.B.
 Jan 12James sJohnLydiaNewel  Stoken Church 
 Jan 26Ann dPeter GeorgePhillis FloridaGeorge/Florida   
 Feb 16EdmundsHeneryAnnPearce   
 Feb 20John sJohnJaneCarey B.R. 
 Mch 2WilliamsRichardRuthFaulkener   
 Mch 23JosephsRichard HannaHopkins B.R.  
         Register carried in
 Mch 30ThomassThomasSophiaSeymour   
 Mch 30William sThomasAnnTrendal   
 May 4ElizabethdThos.MaryBarlow   
 May 4ThomassJohnRebeccaRidgeway B.R. 
 May 11MarthadThos.MaryGrimsdale   
 Jun 8JohnsEdwardElizabethStone   
 Jun 8GeorgesJohnAnnTrindal   
 Jun 15JamessJosephTamarMartin B.R. 
 Jun 15Mary dDanielElizabethButler B.R. 
 Jul 20GeorgesThomasMaryDean B.R.B.R. in register probably stands for Bledlow Ridge
 Sep 7RichardsGeorgeAnnFletcher B.R. 
 Oct 5GeorgesThos.ElizabethStyles B.R. 
 Oct 12GeorgesWilliamMarySmith B.R. 
 Oct 19JanedThos.CharlotteWarren B.R. 
 Oct 26PhoebedThos.SarahWellard B.R. 
 Nov 5RebeccadThos.ElizabethHearn B.R. 
 Nov 16ThomassThos.ElizabethSaunders   
 Dec 7WilliamsJohnDinahYoung B.R.Jen: Lloyd Jones Cur.
1795Jan 4HannahdRobertRebeccaBennel  being one month old
 Jan 18LucydEdwardSarahDormer   
 Feb 1John sWilliamJaneClark B.R. 
 Feb 1MosessAmbroseMaryBrookes B.R. 
 Mch 8John sWilliamAnnStone B.R. 
 Mch 15John sJohnAnnHunt B.R. 
 Mch 22ElizabethdJohnJaneCarey B.R. 
 May 10EdwardsJohnMaryWharton B.R. 
 May 17MarydJohnAnnJenkinson B.R. 
 May 24NanneydJoseph the youngerAnnKeen Bledlow Ridge 
 Jun 12JamessJohnHannahNewel   
 Jun 28Ann dJohn HannahOxlade   
 Jul 5ThomassWilliamSarahTurner  ('Sarah' faint in register & in another hand. In transcript her christian name is left blank)
 Jul 12MarydGeorgeMaryTompson   
 Sep 20HannahdJohnElizabethSeymour   
 Nov 1 SarahdJohnAnnTrendall   
 Nov 8JanedThomasCharlotteWarren   
 Nov 22SarahdJohnSarahHester   
 Dec 27John sThomasSophiaSeymour   
 Dec 27Richards GeorgeAnnFletcher   
 Dec 27Ann dJamesSarahLowe   
1796Feb 14ElizabethdHenryAnnPace B.R. 
 Feb 28JosephsThos.RuthStyles B.R. 
 Mch 6Ann dHenryAnnNewel B.R. 
 Mch 9ElizabethdRobt.RebeccaBennal B.R. 
 Mch 27ThomassRobertAnnStone   
 Mch 27WilliamsJohnSarahBatten   
 Apr 3Sarahd ElizabethAldridge  Bastard dau. of Elizabeth Lawrance
 Apr 17JanedAmbroseMaryBrooks B.R. 
 Apr 24RobertsJohnMarySanders   
 Apr 24RichardsRichardLydiaBrooks Bledlow Ridge 
 Jun 19MarydThos.ElisBritnal B.R. 
 Jul 24JohnsBenjaminElizabethAvery   
 Jul 24WilliamsThos.MaryDean B.R. 
 Jul 31ThomassJoseph TamarMartin B.R. 
 Aug 14WilliamsJosephSarahTrendal   
 Aug 21SarahdJohnLydiaNewel   
 Aug 21MariadGeorgeMaryThompson   
 Sep 11John sMarkSarahRidgeway   
 Oct 9John sRichardHannahHopkins B.R. 
 Oct 20SolomonsThos.Elizth.Hearn B.R. 
 Oct 30John sJohnJaneCarey B.R. 
 Oct 30AnnadWilliamElizabethStyles   
 Dec 4AnndJohnHesterJarmin  (Dec 14 in Transcript)
 Dec 25John sBenjaminHesterBrittnel B.R. 
1797Jan 16MarthadWilliamMossBrookes B.R. 
 Jan 30JanedDanielElizabethBulter B.R. 
 Feb 5CharlottedWilliamAnnBulter B.R. 
 Apr 30ThomassWilliamElizabethBoudrey   
 May 7RobertsJohnAnnHunt   
 May 14JosephsThomasSarahWelling   
 Jun 4NanneydJohnSarahHester B.R. 
 Jun 4BlankdJohnAnnTrindall  (Name blank also in Transcript)
 Aug 20HannahdEdwd.SarahDormer   
 Oct 8JamessRobertRebeccaBennel B.R. 
 Oct 8WilliamsThomasElizabethSaunders   
 Oct 8Hannahd MarySmith  Illegitimate, the reputed Father Benjamin Avery
 Oct 29JamessWilliamSarahCollins   
 Nov 5JosiahsJohnHannahNewel   
 Nov 26ElizabethdjamesMaryTrendal Stoken Church 
 Dec 3CharlottedThomasSophiaSeymour   
 Dec 10RobertsJohnHannahOxlade   
 Dec 24JamessJohnJaneCarey B.R. 
 Dec 25AnndThomasRuthStyles B.R. 
 Dec 31MarthadThomasMaryGrimsdale   
1798Jan 7HannahdBenjaminHettyBrittnel B.R. 
 Jan 28Thos.sWilliamElizabethStone   
 Feb 11ElizabethdThos.ElizabethStyles B.R. 
 Apr 15HerodiasdJohnRebeccaRidgway B.R. 
 May 6JosephsJohnMaryWarton   
 no dateGeorgesThomasCharlotteWarren   
 Jul 22JoycedFrancisSarahBrooks B.R. 
 Jul 22AnndjamesAnnYoung B.R. 
 Jul 22JennydRichardElisabethCrook B.R. 
 Jul 29MarydJamesElisabethKing   
 Aug 26Will sWm.ElisabethRandal  Wm. Randal the ruputed Father and Elisabeth Clark
 Aug 26HarriotdWm.MercyBrookes   
 Aug 26MarydJosephTamarMartin   
 Aug 26JanedThos.MaryDeane   
 Oct 7RobertsRobertAnnStone   
 Oct 21SarahdWilliamMaryBulter B.R. 
 Oct 28ElizabethdThomasElizabethHearne B.R. 
 Nov 4John sThomasAnnRixon  (Rickson in Trpt)
 Nov 4SarahdHenryMaryNewel B.R.(Ann deleted in Trpt)
 Dec 2CharlottedDanielElizabethBulter B.R.(Dec 20 in transcript)
 Dec 30MarthadWm.ElizabethStyles   
1799Jan 6Mary Ann MariadJno.JaneCary B.R. 
 Jan 6John sJamesMaryTrendall   
 Jan 27ElizabethdThomasAnnKing  (Jan 26 in trpt)
 Feb 10Annd HannahWalker B.R.Illegitimate John Carter reputed father (Trpt. Records "The illegitimate Father)
 Feb 24SarahdJohnMarySaunders  (this entry deleted)
 Feb 24SarahdJohnElizabethYoung B.R.John Carter reputed father (trpt. Records "the Illegitimate Father)
 Feb 24EdmundsJohnMarySaunders   
 Feb 24ThomassRichardHannahHopkins B.R. 
Mch 10John sJohnAnnTrendall   
 Mch 17EdmundsJosephSarahTrendall   
 Mch 17JohnsGeorgeAnnFletcher   
 Mch 31Williams SarahStone  Thomas Avery the reputed father
 Apr 7RobertsWilliamElizabethBowdley  (Bowcrey? in trpt)
 Apr 21ThomassThomasRuthStyles B.R. 
 Apr 28EstherdJohnAnnHunt   
 Apr 28ElizabethdWilliamNannyHarman   
 Jun 9JennydThomasSarahWelled   
 Jun 30JohnsRobertRebeccaBenell   
 Jul 13Thomas SimmonssEdmundElizabethPainter   
 Jul 29EdwardsGeorgeMaryBulter   
 Sep 3RichardsWilliam the youngerSarahCollins   
 Sep 15ElizabethdThos.SophiaSeymear   
 Sep 22ElizabethdAmbroseMaryBrooks   
 Nov 10Thomass AnnNewell  Henry Newell the reputed father
 Dec 25SarahdJohnSarahBatten   
 Dec 25Wm.sRichardSusannahStalwood   
1800Jan 5FrancesdThos.AnnKing   
 Mch 28Sarah d  ElizabethHester  The Illegitimate Dau of Elizabeth Lawrance
 Apr 5WilliamsRalphMaryStone  "N.B. Stone was omitted by mistake which is the surname of the father of the last child now registered"
 Apr 20JamessJohnSarahPoddle Little Missenden, Bucks 
 Apr 25RebeccadJohn HannahOxlard   
 Sep 14WilliamsJohnAnnTrindall   
 Oct 12JanmessThomasAnnRixon   
 Dec 28ThomassThomasCharlotteWarrin   
1801Jan 16ElizabethdWilliam the youngerSarahCollins   
 Feb 15MarksJohnMarySaunders   
 May 9ElizabethdRobertAnnStone   
 Jun 7CharlottedBenjaminMaryAvery   
 Jun 14ElizabethdWilliamElizabethStacey   
 Jul 19ElizabethdGeorgeAnnFletcher   
 Sep 6AnndAndrewMaryRuttler   
 Sep 27JamessWilliamSarahTurner  (Sep 29 in trpt.)
 Nov 8JohnsWilliamElizabethBowdrey   
 Nov 8ThomassThomasSophiaSeymour   
 Nov 8Janed ElizabethLawrance  The natural dau. of Elizabeth Lawrance
 Nov 8John/JosephsJosephAnnNeal  (written over Joseph in trpt. John)
 Dec 22SarahdEdmondElizabethPainter   
1802Jan 3 ThomassjamesSileneCollens   
 Feb 7PhillisdWilliamElizabethHunt   
 Feb 21John sThomasSarah Avery   
 May 30ElizabethdThomasHannahIngg   
 Jun 6ElizabethdWilliamElizabethStyles   
 Aug 8ElizabethdJohn AnnTrindall   
 Sep 5Wm.sJamesElizabethKing   
 Sep 12Hannahd AnnNewell  The bastard dau. Ann Newell
 Oct 24StephensWilliamElizabethStacy   
 Nov 28SarahdWilliamElizabethStone   
 Dec 1 WilliamsWilliam the youngerSarahCollens   
 Dec 5HesterdThomasMaryGrimedale   
1803Mch 20ElizabethdThomasCharlotteWarren  (written above Elizabeth deleted: likewise in transcript)
 Aug 28SophiadThomasSophiaSeymor   Blank in register but Sophia in transcript)
 Sep 28WillaimsRobertAnnStone   
 Oct 2James sJohnHannahOxlard   
 Oct 2MarthadWm._________   this was deleted
 Oct 23SarahdWm.ElizabethHunt   
 Oct 23MarydHenryAnnNewell  Natural Dau.
 Dec 4HannahdThomasSarahAvery   
1804Jan 17ElizabethdThomasAnnRickson   
 Jan 22ElizabethdGeorgeElizabethFletcher   
 Feb 5MarydJamesSileneCollins   
 Feb 12AnndPhillipSarahDrew   
 Mch 18AnndJohnMarySaunders   
 May 6JohnsWm.ElizabethStone   
 May 13MarthadWm.ElizthStacey   
 May 27William ChristophersWm. ChristopherEllenorNewell Stoken Church 
 Aug 15HannahdWilliam the youngerSarahCollins   
 Sep 2EdwardsJohnAnnTrendale   
 Sep 9NannydThomasHannahIngg   
 Oct 16ElizabethdEdmundElizabethPainter   
 Nov 4William sJosephAnnNeal   
1805Mch 31PhillipsPhillipSarahDreuw ?  not in transcript
 Mch 31HannahdThomasAmeliaBennel  not in transcript
 Jul 14JonahsGeorgeElizabethHearn  -do-
 Apr 8JohnsThomasCharlotteWarren  (Warrer in Trpt)
 Aug 4SophiadThomasSophiaSeymour   
 Sep 29JohnsWilliam ElizabethHunt   
 Sep 29JamessWilliamElizabethStylus   
 Oct 14Mary AnndThomasMaryBarlow  Thos. Jones Rector 1805
 Nov 24HannahdThos.AnnRixon   
 Dec 22JosephsJosephSarahTrendel   
1806Jan 5Elisabeth CharlottedWm.ElisthStone   
 Mch 23JamessRobertAnnStone   
 May 18ElisabethdJohnAnnGreen   
 Jul 6SarahdWilliamSarahCollins   
 Jul 13ThomassGeorgeElisabethFletcher   
 Jul 13SarahdWilliamElizabethStacey   
 Aug 3Mary AnndEdmondElisabethPainter   
 Aug 24Sarah AnnsGeorge MaryHunt   
 Sep 28ThomassThos.SarahAvery   
 Oct 5JohnsThomasEmelyBennell   
 Oct 3ThomassThos.AnnTrendell  Thos. Jones Rector 1805
1807Jan 13ThomassJohnSarahTrendell   
 Mch 15ThomassThos.HannahIng   
 Mch 15MarydJosephAnnNeale   
 Mch 22EdmondsWilliamElisabethHunt   
 Mch 27JosephsHenryElisabethEggleton  born in the year 1800
 Mch 27HarrietdHenryElisabethEggleton   
 Mch 29HarrietdBenjaminMaryAvery   
 May 31CharlottedJohnElisabethSeymore   
 Aug 2 ElisabethdJamesElisthKing   
 Aug 2 CharlottedJamesElisthKing   
 Nov 15AnndThos.CharlotteWarren   
 Dec 6ElisabethdThos.SarahWellard  Adult
 Dec 6HannahdThos.SarahWellard  Adult
1808(no Transcript from after 1_ May till Lady day 1809)        
 Jan 3CharlottedWilliamElisthCarter   
 Jan 31ThomassThos.AnnRixen   
 Feb 14SarahdJohnLydiaClark   
 Apr 10EdwardsRobertAnnStone   
 May 8John   Ann NewelNewel  Illegitimate
 May 15HenrysRobertRebeccaBennel   
 Jul 24WilliamsThos.SopiaSeymore   
 Jul 24CharlottedJosephSarahTrendale   
 Sep 11JosephsJosephAnnNeal   
 Sep 18MarydThos.MeleyBennell   
 Oct 16Thos.sThos.AnnNewell   
 Oct 16WilliamsWilliamSarahCollins   
 Nov 6ElisabethdThos.SarahAvery  Thos. Jones Rector
1809Jan 1MarydGeorgeElisthFletcher   
 Mch 26JosephsJohnMargaretStratford Stoken Church 
 Mch 26JohnsJohnAnn Green   
 Apr 9JohnsJohnSarahBattin   
 Apr 30SophiadBenjaminMaryAvery   
 Apr 30HannahdJohnAnnTrendal   
 May 20JohnsJamesElisabethKing   
 Jun 4AnndWilliamElisabethCarter   
 Jun 11GeorgesThomasHannahIng   
 Jun 25Mary dWilliamElisabeth Hunt   
 Jul 9GeorgesAlmonAlic (?)Almon West Wyc. 
 Aug 27Jane dWilliamElisabethSriles   
 Sep 17MarydJohnMaryStone   
 Sep 24AnndJosephAnnNeale   
 Sep 27Charles SimmonassEdmundElishPainter   
1810Feb 11HannahdThomasCharlotteWarren   
 Feb 25WilliamsThomas AnnRixon   
 Apr 29CharlottedWilliamSarahCollins   
 Jun 17LaviniadHenryMaryNewel    
 Jun 24MarydWilliamElisabethStone   
 Sep 30MarydRobertAnnStone  Thos. Jones A. B. Rector
1811Feb 10SamuelsWilliamElizabethSayer   
 Feb 18MarydWilliamAnneMode/Mede   
 Mch 10MarydWilliamElishCarter  Twins (written above Ann Deleted; in transcript only Elish)
 Mch 17WilliamsWilliamElishCarter  Twins
 Mch 24ThomassWilliamElis Dimoe?   
 Apr 7Williams ElishWoodhouse  Illegitmate
 Apr 28WilliamsThomasAnn Avery   
 Jun 2MarydJosephSarahTrendal   
 Jun 8WilliamsGeorgeElishFletcher   
 Jul 13JamessThomasEmiliaBennell   
 Jul 27JamessJohnAnnTrendel   
 Sep __WilliamsThomasHannahIng  ( Day also omitted in Transcript)
 Oct 27EmiliadStephenElisabethKeen   
 Dec 1MarydJosephAnnNeale  Thos. Jones. A.B. Rector
1812Jan 12MargaretdThomasJaneBarlow   
 Jan 19Jabezs MarthaMorris  Illegitmate T. Withers reputed father
 Mch 15WilliamsWilliamElizabethHunt   
 Apr 28Mary SusandRev ThomasMaryJones  Rector of this parish, N.B. Born March ye 22
 May 3HenrysWilliamHannahTurner   
 May 17JessesRobertRebeccaBennell   
 May 31RobertsJohnAnnGreen   
 Jun 14JohnsJohnMaryStone  Twins
 Jun 14EstherdJohnMaryStone  Twins
 Jun 28HenrysWilliamSarahCollins   
 Jun 28RobertsThomasCharlotteWarren   
 Aug 2WilliamsBenjaminMaryAvery   
 Aug 2WilliamsGeorgeMaryHunt   
 Aug 16HannahdRobertAnnStone   
 Nov __MarydWilliamElizabethCarter  (no day: but 7 in transcript)It said the Late William Carter. Posthumous
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